How Long Will My Sprinkler System Last in Austin TX?

How Long Will My Sprinkler System Last in Austin TX?

When installing a lawn sprinkler in Austin TX, people often ask how long will it last. The answer is: it can last for many years, but the life expectancy of each component differs. So, when calculating the life expectancy of your sprinkler system, make sure that you consider each part.

From proper installation to maintenance and timely repair, a lot of things goes into make your irrigation system last longer. It doesn’t really mater whether you already have it installed or considering getting one, knowing about the life expectancy of an irrigation system can help you understand things better.

Find out what are the factors that influence the lifespan of your lawn irrigation system.

1. Sprinkler system Life Expectancy

In general, your lawn sprinkler in Austin TX can last for 20 years at least. But the whole system combines different components. So, you also have to consider other things too. In general, taking good care of the whole system with proper maintenance and repair work will increase its efficiency and lifespan.

Proper lawn sprinkler installation in Austin TX is also an important consideration. Improper installation will reduce the longevity of your sprinkler system. So, it important that you hire the right contractor for the job. Right installation is the key to getting a highly efficient irrigation system for your lawn. It will also save you a lot of time in the long run.

2. Life Expectancy of Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads, which are an important part of sprinkler system, can last for 10 to 15 years. But you have to replace any broken head or get it repaired. Good quality sprinkle heads can last for this long. Slightly lower quality heads will last for juts 2 or 3 years.

You must choose the right sprinkler head for your lawn as there are many options, such as:

  • Pop-up Spray
  • Rotor Heads
  • Impact Rotor Heads
  • Gear-Driven Rotors

These are some of the well-known lawn sprinkler heads you can choose. Each type of head offers different benefits. Consider the benefits and choose the right sprinkler head. For the best results, hire the best installation service. The qualified technicians will help you find the best one matching your needs.

3. Sprinkler System Nozzles

The nozzles are again an important component of the sprinkler system. They need to be changed, replaced or upgraded every two years. But that will depend on the climate and water quality of the place. Always make sure that the nozzles are in good condition. Proper maintenance is essential to keeping them in top-notch condition.

Regular inspection and professional maintenance will help you keep the nozzle in good condition for a long time. It will also keep your sprinkler system working efficiently for longer.

4. The Pipes

The pipes are perhaps the most durable part of the sprinkler system. They mostly remain underground, hidden from sun and other damages. They are not likely to suffer from lawnmower or machines.

It is safe to safe to the pipes can last for 40 years depending on various things like climate, landscape, maintenance and accidents. If you take a good care of it then it will definitely last for a long time.

Proper lawn sprinkler installation in Austin TX also includes proper pipe installation. It is important the pipes are laid to meet your watering need. This will impact the efficiency of your sprinkler system.

5. Wires

Wires are an important component of a lawn sprinkler in Austin TX. It needs to be replaced regularly. There are various reasons why they need to be replaced regularly and one of them is improper installation. Corrosion is another reason why your sprinkler system wires need to be changed.

Make sure that you get it done by a professional team. It may not sound as an important component but it is. Always make sure that you get its checked and replaced as needed. Start with proper sprinkler installation in Austin TX and rest will be taken care of.

6. Controller System

Controllers can last for 5 to 10 years depending on your usage and maintenance. Controllers help you automate the sprinkler system so that your lawns get efficient watering. You can set the timer and frequency of watering among other things. Depending on what type of sprinkler controller you choose, you can also set rainfall and humidity controller. You can easily automate the sprinkler system to adjust watering as per the weather.

Proper maintenance is needed to keep the controller in good shape. You can also choose to upgrade it.

The Bottom-line

Life expectancy of your lawn sprinkler in Austin TX will depend on lot of things. You can have to consider the various components as well as get proper lawn sprinkler installation in Austin TX. Proper care, maintenance and installation are the key to increasing the lifespan of your system.

Hunter Irrigation Services specializes in lawn sprinkler installation in Austin TX using the brand Hunter sprinkler system. We have many years of experience in providing high-quality service and our technicians are qualified, licensed and certified.

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