hunter sprinklers dealers

Schedule Your Watering As Per Seasons Using Sprinkler System

When it comes to watering lawn and garden, scheduling it as per the changing season is very important. Watering too much is as damaging as watering too little. This happens when people are unbale to calculate how much water is needed. By scheduling watering with changing season can help you keep your lawn in good condition.

Proper watering is essential for keeping lawn healthy and it includes installing the best sprinkler system. If you are looking for the best Hunter sprinklers dealers in your area, we provide customized solution.

You need to adjust watering throughout the year as per the season to maintain the health, and efficiency of your lawn. Here is how you can do it:

Grasses Have Different Watering Needs Deepening on the Season

Most people don’t realize that grasses have different watering needs throughout the year. Their water needs change as per the season. For instance, during the rainy season and winter, your grasses will need less water compared to summer. You have to change the settings on your sprinkler system as per the season.

Too much water can clog the soil and shunt the growth. And, if the grasses do not get enough water, they will dry out. Which is why, you need a proper watering system to take care of your watering needs.

Also read- What are the features of a reliable sprinkler system?

Watering During the Summer

It is no brainer that grasses and plants will need more water during the summers. The same can be said about hot days during other seasons. Grasses need water to sustain their growth as well as to stay cool. Due to excessive heat, the water will evaporate quickly. Which is why, watering should be done early in the morning before the sun comes up or late in the evening after the sun goes down. This will give plants enough time to use water before it evaporates. You can schedule your sprinkler watering system to water the lawn at specific time. Thanks to technology, you can automate watering and save time.

Watering During the Spring

You would thing grasses need less water during the spring. But they need enough water to sustain the growth. Yes, they don’t need as much water as summer season. But you have to wait for the right time. Avoid watering during the early spring. Its too soon for it. Wait till the late spring or look for signs of wilting. Too much water can cause shallow root growth. You have to wait between two watering session to prevent damage. Spring is also the time to prepare your grass for summer. One rule of thumb is to water deeply and leave it till you see signs of wilting. Make sure that you have an efficient sprinkler system installed. Hunter sprinkler are considered as one of the best brands.

Watering In the Falls

During the winter season, the plants don’t need regular watering. The weather is cool and they don’t lose as much water as in the summer. You have to adjust the sprinkler system to water less and not too frequently. But this should be done according the watering needs of the region. Some places are too dry and may need more watering even during the winter season to sustain growth. Make sure to find out the watering needs of the soil in your area. Still, plants need less water in the winter as they don’t have to stock up. Make sure that your sprinkler system is working efficiently throughout the year.

Watering in the rainy Season

Rainy season is best for plants and people too. Plants get enough water naturally. They thrive on this season. People can save on water cost too. During the rainy season, turn off the sprinkler system and let the nature do the job. But make sure that your lawn has proper drainage so that you don’t get water clogging. It can damage the grass and make your lawn look like a swimming pool. You will also need mowing as grasses grow faster during this season. You don’t want your lawn to look neglected.

Hunter Sprinkler System

Having an efficient sprinkler system is as important as it gets. Which is why, you need to choose the right one. Hunter sprinkler system is considered as one of the best watering systems. It is durable, efficient and cost-effective. It can be customized to suit your specific needs. Look for a reliable Hunter sprinklers dealer to find the best product as well as get proper installation solution.

The Bottom Line

Adjusting the watering schedule as per the season is one of the best ways to take care of the lawn. Proper watering will ensure that your grasses get enough water. It will also help you save water, money and maintain the health of your lawn. Make sure that you create an effective watering schedule for the entire year and follow it.

Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at for more information.

Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Christmas

Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Christmas

Christmas is here and its time for some fun. Decoration is a huge part of Christmas and that includes your lawn. Whether you through party or not, your lawn must look well-maintained and healthy to reflect the festive mood. Your lawn can make your Christmas celebration more fun. Which is why, you need to take a few steps to prepare for the Christmas.

If you have neglected your lawn, this is the perfect time to fine-tune it and make it look perfect for the Christmas day. Here are some of the things you can do to make your lawn look perfect for the special day:

Get Lawn Sprinkler Installation

If you don’t already have a lawn sprinkler installation Austin TX home, this is the perfect time to get it. It is one of the best irrigation systems for lawns and gardens. It will help you keep your lawn well-irrigated throughout the year. A healthy lawn is only possible when you have the best lawn irrigation Austin TX. Sprinkler system is a highly efficient and cost-effective method of watering the lawn. It will also save your time in the long run.

Automate your Watering

The next thing you need to do is automate your watering. With a lawn sprinkler system, you can easily automate it to save time. You can add controller to automate watering time and amount of water. You don’t have to manually switch on or off the sprinklers. The controller system will take care of that. All you have to do is set the timer and it will automatically switch on and turn off. With Christmas shopping and planning, you will not have enough time to take care of your lawn. By automating watering, you can make sure that your lawn gets water as per the needs.

You can also create zones depending on the watering needs. This will make sure that your lawn gets equal water distribution. By the time Christmas arrives, your lawn will look green and well-maintained. Make sure to get professional irrigation installation Austin TX.

Mow Your Lawn

This goes without saying that you must mow your lawn regularly, especially with the Christmas around the corner. It will make sure that your lawn looks even and well-groomed. It will make the special day more special. You will have a well-maintained lawn to show off among other things. But make sure that you don’t mow too often to protect the root system and the soil from drying out. You can also try mowing higher than usual to ensure your grass doesn’t look too trimmed. A greener looking lawn is more attractive to look at. With the best lawn irrigation Austin TX, you can make sure that your lawn always looks great.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn is an important task that you must do and not just for Christmas day. Feeding your grass is as important as watering and mowing. Your grass and soil need nutrients to keep the lawn looking healthy. Make sure that you use best quality fertilizer, possibly organic one to keep the grass in top-notch condition. Make sure that you do this properly so that your lawn can get proper nutrients throughout the year. Fertilizing your lawn is a huge part of keeping your lawn looking great. You can also hire professionals to do the job if you are up to it. It will save time and ensure your lawn is ready for the big Christmas day.

The Bottom Line

These are some of the best ways to keep your lawn in excellent state and ready for the Christmas day. You can follow these tips to keep your lawn healthy and well-maintained in general too. Make sure that you get started as soon as possible, especially with lawn sprinkler installation Austin TX.

Hunter Irrigation Service offers customized lawn sprinkler installation in Austin TX for all types of properties. We specialize in Hunter irrigation installation in Austin TX and have many years of experience in providing the best service. Get the best solution for your lawn irrigation Austin TX from our expert team and keep your lawn looking great throughout the year.

Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at for more information.