Save on Lawn Irrigation - Best Types of Grasses for Lawns

Save on Lawn Irrigation – Best Types of Grasses for Lawns

Having a lush green lawn is a matter of pride and comfort for many. And, why not. A green lawn provides a great space for playing, relaxing and showing off your lawn. But, keeping a lawn green and well-maintained requires proper irrigation (lawn irrigation Austin TX). And, for that you need enough water. Depending on where you live, getting enough water can be an issue. In that case, you need to find ways to save water.

Even with limited water, you can make your lawn look great. For instance, you can choose grass that needs less water. Fortunately, there are many options when it comes to choosing a drought-resistant grass. Additionally, you can also use efficient lawn irrigation system like sprinkle system to provide efficient watering to your lawn.

Find out more on how you can keep your lawn well-maintained using less water and using efficient methods.

Reducing Water Use & Efficient Lawn Irrigation

For places that have low water levels, conserving water is an important thing. In addition to that, using an efficient lawn irrigation system is also needed. By making simple adjustments, you can easily save water, and keep your lawn looking great all the time.

Grass play an important role in making your lawn lush and green and well-maintained. Which is why, choosing the right grass type is very important. When it comes to choosing the right grass, you must choose a drought-resistant grass. This way, you can save water on your lawn irrigation without sacrificing the beauty of your lawn.

Efficient irrigation is possible with the help of right grass. Make sure to choose grass that can survive the harsh condition.

Best Types of Grass for Reducing Water Usage

There are so many types of grasses for lawns. Depending on your needs, budget and water levels, you can easily choose the one that can match your needs. Today, grasses are especially made from lawns. This makes it easier for people to find the best quality grass type.

Here are some of the best types of lawn grasses you can choose:

Tall Fescue

This is another great choice for people who are looking for drought-resistant grass for their lawn. This is a type of turf-grass with deep root system. Its root can run as deep as 6 feet. This feature is useful for saving water and it will look lush and green during the drought. If you live in drought-prone area, choose this grass type. With the right lawn irrigation Austin TX you can easily keep your lawn looking great.

Perennial Ryegrass

If you are looking for the best lawn grass, perennial ryegrass could be your best choice. It is a draught-tolerant grass and is easy to install in the lawn. Not just that, it can easily compete with the weeds and can thrive in though condition. Since it is a drought-resistant grass, it will need less amount of water. But it will look great and make your lawn look lusher and fuller

Fine Fescue

This grass type is not only drought-tolerant, but it also requires less fertilizer. And, during the drought period, it can survive with ease. It will still make your lawn look green and well-maintained. It may not look as green during the drought period, but it can survive. Additionally, it can bounce back into looking green again.


Bentgrass too can survive the drought period and make your lawn look good enough. With lawn sprinkler Austin TX, you can easily keep your lawn well-maintained. Additionally, this grass type doesn’t need much fertilizer. It is a low-maintenance grass for lawns that can easily thrive under harsh condition.

Sprinkler System for Lawn Irrigation

No matter what type of grass you have, a good irrigation system is essential. Which is why, you need lawn sprinkler  Austin TX for efficient irrigation. A sprinkler system is one of the best watering systems for lawns. It can be customized to suit specific lawn irrigation needs. Plus, you can save more water and cost with this. And, it can be installed in all types of lawns. Having an efficient irrigation system is key to getting the best results. Make sure to get the best lawn sprinklers Austin TX to see the results you want to see.

The Bottom Line

You can easily keep your lawn looking great even in a drought-prone area. Choose a drought-resistant grass, get customized lawn sprinkler in Austin, TX and get a controller to automate tasks. With easy steps, you can easily make your lawn great once again.

Hunter Irrigation Services offers customized service for lawn irrigation Austin TX. We are one of the best Hunter sprinkler dealers and we offer customized installation, repair and maintenance services for all types of lawns. Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at for more information.

How to Protect Hunter Sprinklers Heads?

How to Protect Hunter Sprinklers Heads?

Hunter sprinklers are one of the best brands, known for their greater efficiency and technology. But even the best of sprinklers cannot escape accidents like trees falling or car running over the sprinkler head. Protecting them should be on your sprinklers to-do list.

Sprinkler heads are the most important part of the irrigation system. It’s the head that is responsible for dispensing water. And, it is exposed to elements more than other parts like pipes. Keeping them safe is important so that your lawn can get efficient watering. Make sure to find the best Hunter sprinklers dealers to get the best product and installation service.

Keeping your sprinkler head is easy. All you have to do is take a few steps to keep your sprinkler system working efficiently.

Hunter Sprinkler System

It is important to choose the best quality product for your lawn irrigation. Hunter Sprinklers are one of the best ones. They are known for their efficient design, great functionality and durability. The sprinkler head is designed to provide efficient watering and will help you get the best results.

Find the best Hunter sprinklers dealers in your area to get the best service. With the right sprinkler contractor or service, you will get the desired results. Proper installation is the key to getting the best irrigation system you need. Also, regular maintenance is needed to keep the sprinkler system in good condition.

Importance of Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads spray water, as the name suggest. It helps dispense water in the lawn. It is designed to efficiently water the grasses and plant. Plus, it can be customized to suit your specific watering needs. For instance, it can be installed as per the layout of your lawn. Additionally, it can be automated using a controller. A controller helps automate timings, amount of water and other things.

You can also create zones as per the watering needs. This way, you can reduce waste and increase efficiency. A sprinkler head is very important part irrigation system and must be installed correctly. Correct installation will ensure your lawn is efficiently irrigated.

Also Read: Understanding the central pivot sprinkler system

How to Protect Sprinkler Heads

Protecting sprinkler system heads is very important. They mostly stay above the ground and are not easily visible. Which means, it is easy to trip on them, or run over a lawn mower or car a heavy thing. Which is why, it is important to take steps to ensure their safety.

Here is how you can protect your Hunter sprinkler heads:

Use Sprinkler Donut

Sprinkler donuts are designed to protect sprinkler heads from heavy objects like a car or land mower. It is designed to displace the weight of a heavy object and protect the sprinkler underneath it. It is made from durable materials and can withstand pressure easily. Make sure to buy donut for every sprinkler to keep them safe from things that can damage it with its weight.

Clean the Grass Around Sprinkler Head

Trim the grasses to make the sprinkler visible. Not being visible is one of the reasons why sprinkler heads get damaged. Regularly trimming the grasses can help you make your sprinklers more visible. People will at least see where they are walking on or mowing. Keep the grass short to make your lawn look well-maintained as well. By trimming the grass around your sprinklers, you can easily protect them from getting damaged.

Read More: Sprinkler system: Repair or Replacement?

Keep the Sprinkler Head Clean

Sprinkler heads can get clogged with dirt and debris like grass and dead insects. It is important to keep them clean to keep the flow of water efficient. Make sure that you clean the sprinkler head regularly. This way, you will be able to keep the sprinklers working efficiently for a long time.

Proper Repair & Maintenance

In case your sprinkler system is not giving you the desired results, call in professional. Timely repair and maintenance will help you prevent further damage. Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your sprinkler system in top-notch condition. Find the best Hunter Sprinklers Dealers to get proper installation, repair and maintenance solution as well.

The Bottom Line

Sprinkler heads are very important and they should be kept safe from all the dangers. You can easily keep them safe and efficient with few steps. Keeping the sprinkler heads safe will also increase its lifespan and ensure that your lawn is getting efficient watering. Find the best service provider in your area to get the desired result.

Hunter Irrigation Services are one of the best Hunter Sprinklers Dealers . We provide complete solution in one place. From proper installation to repair and maintenance, we provide the best solution you need. We have an expert team that can help you get the best results.

Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at for more information.

Top 7 signs you are overwatering your lawn

Top 7 signs you are overwatering your lawn

As lawn enthusiasts, we naturally want to ensure that our grass has sufficient of what it needs. Providing plant food regularly, proper maintenance practices, and, most importantly, plenty of water is the key. The truth is that you may be unwittingly overdoing it: it is feasible to over-water your grass, which may cause more harm than good. With a reliable solution by hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, you can sort your irrigation requirements.

Watering the grass becomes part of our normal garden management program as we shift from the winter season to the hot months. A robust and established grass, on the other hand, does not require daily watering. And, to be honest, it shouldn’t even require it every other day.

Regardless of what you have “always done” or what the person next door does, you must develop healthy lawn watering habits and watch for signals that the grass is getting too much to drink.


1. Your lawn is more green than usual.

Because you’re making sure your grass gets adequate water, it may seem greener than usual. But, it would become vulnerable to pest attack due to overwatering.

This is because too much water can pump nutrients through the soil, creating an ideal setting for weeds. If you want to avoid this problem, allow your lawn some time without watering, according to hunter irrigation parts Austin TX.

2. Your Grass is Sticky

If you see symptoms that you are overwatering your lawn, this is another clue that excess moisture has infiltrated the soil surrounding the Kentucky bluegrass. When this happens, according to service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, it might turn out that your grass becomes sticky, making it difficult to pull out whenever you walk on the lawn.

3. Brown Spots on the Lawn

Although symptoms of too-wet grass may result in greener development, indications of over-watering can indeed result in signs of too-wet grass appearing as brown blotches. If you notice brown patches on your Kentucky Bluegrass, it might be an indication that you’re overwatering your lawn.

4. Your Lawn is Compacted & Thin

When indicators of over-watering your lawn appear, the roots of your grass might be damaged. If this occurs, indicators that your ground is compacted will appear as sparse, dull-looking grass. Although it’s ideal for preventing indicators of over-watering, signs of under-watering your lawn can also appear.

Signs of dry grass, for example, include withering & browning areas. When it comes to signals that your lawn needs water, the main indicators are revealed by service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX. These include the soil turning hard to the touch when poked with a finger.

5. Overgrowth of Weeds

Overgrown lawns may provide ideal circumstances for weeds like smooth ornamental grasses or yellow nutsedge to thrive. If you notice a bunch of these troublesome plants growing in and taking over, it’s usually because there’s too much water being provided at once with no allocated time between each plant — leading it all up by the roots!

6. Fungi

If you find evidence of over-watering in your grass, signs of fungal may also be present. Check the soil for symptoms of moisture abuse to avoid lawn fungus.

If you observe any discoloration on the grass blades and mushrooms growing across from each other in a straight line, this might be an indication that water has been used excessively, encouraging not only fungal development but also potentially harming dogs and children!

7. Insect Pests

According to service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, heavy thatch on waterlogged lawns offers a home for insect pests & protects them from pesticides like imidacloprid& Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect pests prey on stressed or weak lawns. Armyworms & cutworms, for example, nibble & cut grass blades at the base, resulting in uneven, spreading bare patches. The larvae of May & June beetles & masked chafers feed on grassroots, causing withering and plant mortality.

How do sprinkler systems help in preventing your lawn from overwatering?

Conserve Water

Why do plants like to be watered first thing in the morning? Water does not evaporate as rapidly when the sun is low in the sky. This indicates that there will be more chance for absorption. You use much less water while providing more to the plants. It’s a win-win situation.

Most people who physically water their lawns & plants do it during the day, which implies they are fighting with the sun when it is at its greatest point in the sky. Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX‘s home lawn irrigation systems will help you preserve water, which is a precious (and scarce) natural resource.

Water savings are boosted even further with automatic features and sensors that switch off sprinklers & drip systems during days of intense precipitation.

Prevents Diseases, Weeds & Fungi

By minimizing overwatering and distributing water directly to plants, irrigation systems can help to reduce plant diseases, weeds, & fungus.

A drip system may be added to your irrigation system to provide water straight to the roots of the plants, trees, & shrubs. These are distinct from typical sprinklers, which water both weeds & your prized plants.

Fungi are also less likely to grow in irrigation systems. Summers in Texas are hot, so many landowners water their lawns at the end of the day to avoid standing in the heat. The issue is that water collects and sits on leaves overnight, allowing fungus & diseases like rot to thrive.

Uniform Watering

Irrigation systems distribute water evenly throughout your lawn on purpose. Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX‘s installation staff meticulously sets above-ground sprinklers, underground pipes, drip systems, & bespoke drainage systems to provide total lawn coverage. All sprinklers will operate together to disperse water evenly.

We also consider the terrain of your lawn, designing unique drainage systems to guarantee that any slopes & hills on your land are directed away from your grass & into drains as well as gutters.

Health Benefits

The grass is much more than a gorgeous sight; it also has various recognized health advantages. Grass, like other plants, absorbs & sequesters carbon dioxide gas, converting it to oxygen, which is required for breathing &, well, human existence. Twenty-four square feet of lush lawn gives one adult human an adequate amount of oxygen for one day.

A healthy grass, however, does more than just absorb CO2 from the atmosphere; it also acts as a biological filter for a variety of toxins and pollutants, including ozone, sulfur dioxide, dust, & other harmful particles.


If you’re a lawn owner, you need to take precautions to keep it healthy. You may do this by not overwatering your lawn and maintaining healthy water content in the soil. This will encourage grass growth while reducing water damage that might occur when you water the lawn too frequently. If you’re not sure how to look for your grass, consult with a local expert.

Are you looking for the best irrigation parts provider for your sprinkler needs? If you’ve been searching for a sprinkler irrigation network for a long time, your search is over. Hunter Sprinklers provides sprinkler services such as installation, replacement, maintenance, and repair. All you have to do is call us at 512-690-3113 or email us at