What are the benefits of micro-sprinklers for orchards?

What are the benefits of micro-sprinklers for orchards? 


The Micro-irrigation system is a present-day system of irrigation. In this system, water is delivered slowly and commonly in the form of streams, continuous drops, discrete droplets, etc. The Micro-irrigation system is famous these days for its low cost & water-efficiency. So, the next time you get in touch with a service provider for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, do ask about this as well!

Micro-sprinkler is a device that works in a pressurized mode, just like natural rainfall. This device of irrigation supplies water efficiently. Moreover, this ensures advancement in crop yield. They provide the plant with the specific amount of water required for its optimum growth.

Different irrigation requirements need different resolves. Orchard irrigation is an arrangement around trees instead of rows of plowed furrows. Orchard agriculturists see terrific efficiency of using micro-sprinkler, as they supply water to larger plants more effectively, which saves water & helps to avoid tree death. Above all, these more technical applications are simple to set up utilizing standard gear purchased from irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

Benefits of Micro-Sprinklers for Orchards

Now let’s take a brief look at the benefits of micro-sprinklers for orchards:

1. Size of the wetting area

A single sprinkler has a wetting area with a radius of under one meter to many meters. This grants the wetting of a substantial area with a clear benefit for the orchards.

2. Precision & adaptation of the irrigated zone

Nowadays, micro-sprinklers are capable of producing a distribution method that can be adapted to nearly any requirement. A broad range of geometric shapes offers a specific solution for all situations. A micro-sprinkler might also be installed near the tree trunk without even wetting the trunk still irrigating the place around it.

3. Increased use of machinery

Agricul­tural machinery is constantly developing & progressing, offering resolves for orchard operations that are mecha­nically better. The water dis­persion & installa­tion of micro-sprinklers bet­ween the orchards grant obstacle-free move­ment & routine ope­ration of gear.

4. Broad variety of flow rates

Nowadays, micro-sprinklers have flow rates varying between hourly tens of liters next to hourly hundreds of liters. This broad range provides for a precise method adapted to each & every situation: different orchards, climates, soils, & hydraulic restrictions or requirements.

5. Microclimate

In contrast to drip irrigation, water spreading methods like micro-sprinkler systems in orchards have a focused influence on the plant environment. These influences involve cooling by evapo­ration, humidity, fogging, & frost protection by unseen heat. In extreme cli­mates, this might be crucial for the survival of the fruit trees in orchards.

6. Leaching

As stated previously, the micro-sprinkler has a broad array of flow rates, all of which are greater than those of a dripline. Therefore, it is easy to drain the soil relatively faster & to leach salts.

7. Shortening the period of irrigation

Because of the relatively higher flow rates, the amount of water needed for an orchard can be supplied in a relatively shorter time, providing considerable operational benefits.

8. Frost protection

Although previously stated, it is worth emphasizing that in a lot of places all over the world, micro-sprinklers are used for protection from frosts in or­chards where tempera­tures might fall below zero.

9. Highly improved wetting uniformity

It is important to mark that uniform wetting might be attained by any irrigation technique, including dripline. Nonetheless, in order to attain full wet with dripline, the system is needed to operate for a longer period. The point close to the dripper continues to get water continuously, whereas water has not yet made it to the most distant place of the needed wet area.

In short, each point of the wet area gets a different amount of water & at a different irrigation span. But with micro-sprinklers, each & every point in the irrigated area gets exactly the same quantity of water at precisely the same time.

10. Crops with skin-deep roots

In the wake of what was stated above, there is a great benefit to micro-sprinkler irrigation in crops with a skin-deep & wide system of the root, such as palm oil, bananas, nuts, & avocados—some of the world’s most vital crops.

11. Benefits in light, rocky, or sandy soils

In sandy soil, the irrigation system must be adapted as the water supply in such soil conditions is totally different from the water supply in heavy soil. The characteristics of the micro-sprinkler make it the right option for irrigation in light or sandy soils. The higher flow rates, uniformity, wetting profile, & broad wetting radius permit the needed wetting conditions to be preserved in each area.

12. Lower filtration necessities provide a benefit

Due to the fairly broad sprinkler nozzle, there is little sensitivity to clogging & less filtration is needed. This tenet is very cost-effective & needs a lower first outlay in the irrigation system, along with lower maintenance of filters.

13. Increase orchard yield

By steadily irrigating orchards with micro-sprinkler, the soil is kept continually moist, which avoids soil packing. Open soil leads to the healthy growth of roots – & healthy roots assimilate nutrients better. The consequence is a tree that is well-nourished, with space for roots to grow & the energy to yield more fruit in the course of the growing season.

Read More Why Fertilization of the Lawn is Important & How to Do it


Each year the technology on hand in micro-sprinklers improves still more. With water conservation & reduced cost a major concern for all orchard agriculturists, these smaller set-ups grant them to obtain the best yield attainable each season by supplying them with the most efficient methods to keep the orchards watered.

Are you looking for the best team for your sprinkler system installation for the orchard? At Hunter Sprinklers, we specialize in supplying sprinklers for irrigation which also includes selling the best micro-sprinklers for orchard irrigation. For more details about us, contact our company today at 512-690-3113.


Why Fertilization of the Lawn is Important & How to Do it


Fertilization is an important part of lawn upkeep. It helps in keeping your lawn in a good shape both health and look wise.Apart from fertilization, you need proper irrigation,trimmings and regular maintenance. Make sure that you have the best Austin lawn sprinklers installation in your lawn. Without efficient watering nothing will work, not even fertilization.

It is important that you know and understand what fertilization can do for your lawn. Here are some of the reasons for why fertilization is so important for the growth of your lawn:

  1. It Needs The Necessary Nutrients

Like a human body, the lawn needs nutrients too. If you want a healthy-looking lawn, invest in some good quality fertilizers. It will aid in a healthy growth of the lawn. Adding fertilizer an enhance the quality of the soil as it will add nutrients to it. The grasses and plants will grow deeper and in an efficient way.

Soil lose nutrients over time, which is you need to keep adding fertilizer to maintain the nutrition value in the of the soil. Your lawn will look a lot greener and better than ever.  A healthy lawn will definitely last longer.

  1. Stronger and Better

The plants need water, sunshine, and soil with phosphorous, nitrate, and potassium.Without all the three elements, your lawn cannot grow or thrive. Which is why you need fertilizers to provide all the things needed for a healthy lawn. Austin lawn sprinkles will help you provide the lawn with enough water. Water will also keep the soil well nourished. As you know water is one of the most important elements in keeping plants and grasses healthy. So, make sure that you invest in some quality sprinklers.

  1. Speed up the Growth

If your grasses look weak and not growing at the rate you want, it’s time to feed the soil some fertilizers. Adding them can really speed up the growth. For the best results, fertilize your soil for up to 4 times a year. Adding fertilizers will speed up the process as the soil will have all the nutrients the plants need to grow. It is very hard to make grasses and plants grow faster without fertilizers. Make sure that you add them as per the needs of the soil so that your plants can grow in a very healthy way.

  1. It is Easy

Many believe that fertilizing the soil is a tough job, but it is not. It will only take 15 to 20 minutes to do. One you get the hang of it;you can do it without any hassle. The type and amount of fertilizer you use will greatly depend on the type of soil you have and the geographical area. The size of the lawn is an important consideration too.

You can choose dry or liquid fertilizer. Both are a great way to add fertilizer to the soil and will help your lawn stay healthy. Hire someone to do the job if you don’t have enough time, but don’t skip this step.

  1. Saves you Time and Money

Fertilizing the lawn is an easy and cost-effective process. You only have to do it a few times a year. You don’t need heavy machines to do it. In the long run, you will save a lot of money and time as well. A healthy lawn will ask for little maintenance and you don’t have to waste money on repairs or damage control. With regular fertilization you can ensure that your lawn looks healthy.

Read More 7 Question You Need to Ask When Getting a New Sprinkler Installed

The Bottomline

Fertilizers are an important part of lawn maintenance. It is one of the best ways to increase the nutrient value of your soil and ensure optimal growth. It is an easy and effective ways to make sure your lawn grows efficiently. Combine efficient watering with fertilization and see the difference it can make to the health of your lawn.

Austin Lawn Sprinklers provides the best installation, repair and maintenance services for your lawn. We have the experience, expertise and a team to handle all your request. We can customize the installation to meet your specific needs in the most efficient way. Our services are fast, efficient and reliable and will save you money in the long run.

Call us at 512-690-3113 or send a mail at aubreyhunter@aol.comfor more information.