Stuck at home during lockdown? Review your irrigation system right away!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, not only cities but countries are locked down, and all of us are stuck at home. This is the perfect time to inspect your irrigation system and other parts of your garden to ensure that every system is working efficiently. In case they aren’t, you can call for professional maintenance, repair, or irrigation installation, Austin, TX, services. Although an automatic lawn irrigation system can make your garden look fresh and green, if it didn’t function efficiently, you might notice signs of dry patches or areas that are over-watered due to leakage issues.

While you have got enough time to stay at home, utilize these hours to give a new look to your lawn. Carry out a thorough inspection of the irrigation installation and get the issues resolved or get assistance from the professionals to get the water sprinkler system maintained.

Why is an irrigation system review critical?

There isn’t just one or two but several reasons for you to consider a quick review of the irrigation system being used in your garden. Water is critical for the great health of your plant. However, watering manually isn’t something you might want to do. Plus, it can be a major hassle. You might have to drag around the hoses, and in the process, you might even end up destroying a plant or two.

With innovative systems for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, you can be ensured that no manual effort is required to irrigate your space.

Here are a few reasons that make it important for you to review your irrigation system.

1-Higher Energy Bills:

If, in the past few months, you have experienced a sudden spike in your energy bills, it is critical for you to consider that might be a result of improperly installed irrigation systems or any leakage or malfunction that is leading to prolonged usage of power. We need to understand that outdated systems are prone to breakage and lead to higher power bills.

Plus, you cannot always be there to monitor things. So, now is the time to get started. With so much time at hand, you can try to track the issues that have been wreaking havoc to your irrigation system. In case you find something or even if you do not, it is important that you consider seeking help from professionals that provide services for irrigation repair or irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

2-Patchy Dryness in the Lawn:

In case your garden has been drying up in patches, you can be assured that something is wrong with the system. This dryness could be a reason for blocked or broken nozzles that have redirected or refrained the water flow from reaching certain areas. Rusted pipes or ones that have been used for far too long could be prone to such issues.

Check if this issue is prevalent in your case and opt for an immediate replacement for the part or, if needed, get an entirely new system installed with the help of service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

This can help avoid any issues in the future with regards to dryness in your beautiful garden.

3-Excessively Wet Garden:

To check whether your garden is normal or excessively wet, you need to put your finger on the soil. In case the soil feels way too soggy even after it being hours post irrigation, there surely is a breakage in your irrigation system. Now, you mind wonder that water is good for plants, so what harm would some extra water do? Well, it is right that water is needed for the proper growth of your plants. However, excess of anything is bad. This is true for water as well.

Excessive water can lead to root rotting and eventually kill off your plant. If left ignored for far too long, you would experience all your plants dying off one by one with nothing left for you to admire. To avoid this from happening during the lockdown, it is important that you start taking note of such issues.

Water Conservation: A Necessary Element to Consider During Irrigation Review

One thing that is sure with usable water is the fact that global warming and environmental issues have decreased the overall availability. Water conservation is the need for the hour. Unless you play your part in saving water, there might come a time when you might have to struggle hard to get access to water.

So, why is it so necessary to review your irrigation system?

Chances are, your garden has been experiencing leakage for a long time. While a small amount might not bother you, even a small amount of water loss can accumulate over time. Not only would you experience drastic loss of water, but it can also lead to the abrupt death of some of your plants or even damage your pathways that lead to the garden.

Change is the Key to Long-Term Savings

In case your irrigation system is outdated and doesn’t support your complete garden, it is time for you to seek help from service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX. In conjunction with the professional service providers, you can ensure that your plants are getting the right amount of water with no wastage.

You can opt for a smart irrigation system that can be customized for your irrigation requirements. Apart from this, make sure you check that your pipes do not develop mold, mildew, or fungus. In case they make way to your water pipes, it can infect your plants and cause certain diseases or even root rot leading to the death of the plant.

Plus, your smart irrigation system will ensure that there is no wastage of water, and the water aptly reaches your plant at the right time. Imagine you are out of the city for a long time. Who would water or at least switch on the button for your irrigation system?

With smart systems, you can program the pipes to water at a given time on a daily basis for a set time frame. This will avoid any wastage of water and keep your garden lusciously green while you are out on vacation or attending a meeting.

Read: What Is Irrigation? And How Can I Have a Lawn of My Dreams


So, why wait? Now is the time for you to start working on your garden and make sure that the irrigation system in place is optimum for the plants to thrive. You can also opt for zoning in case there isn’t one for your garden. This helps add water only when necessary. Most plants vary from one another as per water requirements. While some plants need water on a daily basis, others flourish well if the water supply is once every three days or so. If your garden is comprised of such plants, it is essential that you opt for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, with a zoning option.

Looking for reliable irrigation installation, Austin, TX, during a lockdown? At Hunter Irrigation Services, we ensure that all your irrigational requirements are adhered to in a professional manner. We also keep in mind the need for sanitization during the dispatch of our services. All our employees are provided proper gear to ensure there is no contamination. Further, we opt for a temperature check on a regular basis to ensure that no one in the staff is infected. For us, your health is of topmost priority. This is why we ensure regular use of sanitizers to avoid contamination. For more information on our services, you can give us a quick call at 512-690-3113 or mail us at