How to Choose the Right Sprinkler Irrigation System for your Lawn

Having the right lawn irrigation in Austin TX is essential for keeping the lawns green and healthy. Grass and plants need proper irrigation and hand-watering can be so tiring. Watering with hand can also be so inefficient. The right irrigation installation in Austin TX can make all the difference between good and bad lawn. There are so many types of irrigation system, but choosing the one that matches your need is important in many ways. The right irrigation system will help you keep your lawn in a great shape while saving you time and money.

If you have a lawn or garden or landscape, having the right irrigation system will simplify the watering needs. Choosing the right system will depend a lot on what type of lawn you have and the watering needs among various other important things.

In this post, you will learn about the various sprinkler system and how to find the right system matching your needs.

What is a Lawn Sprinkler System?

The first thing you must know is what is a sprinkler system. It is one of the best types of lawn irrigation system in Austin TX. A lawn sprinkler system is a type of irrigation system used for irrigating lawns, landscapes, gold courses, crops and more. It is an efficient method of control watering that saves time and water too. It is very similar to rain, only that you have the ultimate control over when and how much to water.

The irrigation sprinklers have a perpendicular pipes with rotating nozzles on top. They are connected with the main pipeline. When the water is allowed to flow through the main pipe with great pressure, it escapes from the rotating nozzles. The water is then gets sprinkled on the grass or lawns. In some sprinkler system, you can set the timer so that it can shut off automatically. Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose the right sprinkler system for your lawn or garden.

The Various Type of Common Sprinkler Systems

The sprinklers are one of the best types of lawn irrigation in Austin TX. It is efficient, cost-effective and provides a customized solution. There are many types of sprinkler system to choose from. Each type of system comes with their own benefits and mechanism. It is important to know the different types of sprinkler system so that you can choose the one that matches your needs.

Here are the three most common sprinkler irrigation system to help you narrow down your search for the right system for your lawn:

  • Rotor Head System

Rotor head sprinkler system is ideal for large lawns and landscape. It can cover a large area efficiently, which will help you keep your lawn green well-watered most efficiently. It provides efficient water spraying covering an inch per hour which gives the soil enough time to absorb the water. Large size lawns will benefit from having this type of efficient irrigation system.

  • Drip System

The next option is the drip sprinkler system. This system of irrigation is perfect for watering specific types of plants or a section of the lawn. You can use this system for watering flower beds, or plants of certain types. Just like the name suggest, the water drips and goes into the soil directly. This perfect for plants that need extra care and controlled watering.

  • Spray System

The spray system of sprinkler irrigation is perfect for small areas. If you have a small lawn or garden and need plenty of water in short time, the spray system is the perfect answer. The system can spray an average of 1.5 inches of water per hour. This system is perfect for grounds that are flat and has absorbent soil.

These are some of the best sprinkler irrigation system that you can choose for watering your lawns and keeping them efficient.

What to Consider when Choosing Lawn Irrigation in Austin TX –300

As you know choosing the right lawn irrigation in Austin TX is important for various reasons. There a few important things you need to consider when choosing a sprinkler system so that you can enjoy the right service.

Here are the things you need to consider:

  • Size of the Lawn

The size of the lawn is an important consideration for choosing the right sprinkler system for your need. Choose the system that can easily water the lawn that are large. The rotary sprinkler system is ideal for large size lawns as it can efficiently water it. At the same time, if your lawn is small, look for sprinkler that matches the irrigation system of that size. You can take the help of an expert when looking for the sprinklers.

  • Watering Needs

The next important consideration is the watering needs. Depending on how much water you need for the plants irrigation, choose the sprinkler system. There are sprinklers which offers slow and controlled watering as per the need. Likewise, you can choose sprinklers that offers efficient watering in less time. The watering needs will also depend on how much water you have at your disposal for watering. The sprinkler system can be adjusted to meet your watering needs most efficiently.

  • Soil Type

The next important thing you need to keep in mind is the soil type. Different soils have different watering needs. Some soils can make do with little water, while others need more water to keep the lawns efficiently watered and irrigated. Depending on what type of soil you have, choose the irrigation system that efficiently meets the irrigation system. Some soils can wash away or ruin the plants of excess water is available. Make sure to choose the right type of sprinkler irrigation system.

  • Budget

Keeping the lawn and the garden in a great shape is important but you also need to take care of the budget too. Make sure that you choose a sprinkler system that not only matches your irrigation needs but your budget too.

These are some of the important considerations for choosing the right irrigation system for your lawn. Choosing the right irrigation system will ensure that your lawn is well-watered and remains healthy for a long time.

Importance of Right Installation

Even if you find the right product without the right irrigation installation in Austin TX, your system will not work properly. The right installation is the key to getting the right type of service your lawn needs. Make sure to hire the right team to install the sprinkler system so that your lawn can get efficient irrigation system matching your needs. Installing the system in the right location is very important for getting the right results.


Finding the right irrigation system for your lawn or garden is an important step towards keeping your lawn efficient. There are many types of sprinkler system in the market and you must choose the one that easily matches your needs. Consider the important things when looking for the right sprinkler system so that you can keep you garden well irrigated. An efficient irrigation system will save money and time while helping you maintain the lawn.

Get the Best Lawn Irrigation Installation in Austin TX

Hunter Irrigation Services offers the best lawn irrigation installation in Austin TX for all types of lawn sprinklers. We have a team of highly experienced technicians who can efficiently take care of your installation needs. We offer the best of Hunter Irrigation products matching your needs and budget. No matter what type of installation you need, we have the best service for you. CALL (512-690-3113) & HIRE HUNTER IRRIGATION SERVICES TODAY.