Importance of Proper Irrigation installation in Efficient Landscaping

Today, as the pandemic takes hold worldwide, every individual prefers staying at home for their betterment. With so much free time in hand, many of us have developed a new found love for gardening and landscaping. As a result, we have started partaking in beautifying gardens and building raised beds.

While starting your garden, it is necessary to look forward to better landscaping ideas, better landscaping architectures, and, most importantly, the installation of proper irrigation that will be effective in efficient landscaping. While you could try and do things by yourself, hiring service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, is a preferred choice.

Why Choose the Right Irrigation System?

Irrigation is considered the keystone of agriculture. Without it, the green plants we see all around us would be nothing but dried land. Now, there are various types of irrigation processes, but we are going to discuss and compare which type of irrigation will perfectly suit home garden landscaping requirements.

Before discussing, we must know how various kinds of irrigation system functions if you have plans for landscaping and irrigation installation, Austin, TX.


Landscaping means preparing your backyard or garden area into beautiful land by planting trees and various vegetables. To decorate or improvise the landscaping area, we can add rock decks, rock paths, rock water features, different types of most appropriate plants that fit perfectly to your situation.

Rainfall can be very deceiving. You think the 45 minutes of a thunderstorm just watered your plants beautifully, but half of it ran off into the lawn because it rained too hard, leaving only the top couple of inches of the mulch wet. Unless it rains a light-weight, soaking rain for a minimum of 4-5 hours, don’t even consider natural precipitation as “watering.”

Irrigation is the most important thing in any kind of agriculture or plantation. So, having better irrigation ideas and determining the type of irrigation that be more effective serves as the key to landscaping. If you are unsure which irrigation types fit your needs in the best way, do talk to your choice of service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

Different type of landscape irrigation

  1. Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation systems are usually the simplest choice for watering a landscaped bed with trees, shrubs, and perennials because they provide you perfect control over what proportion of water each plant gets. You can select emitters that provide a lot of water to plants or ones that give just a little drink.

Mini sprayers are also available for drip irrigation, which is used to water plants in the landscape, some annual flowering plants, and many other thirsty trees and bushes. Because you’ll mix and match which emitters you employ, your drip system is often customized to your landscape’s needs.

Shrubs, plants, and turfgrass thrive with a slow, steady application of water and nutrients on to the plant’s roots. The right soil moisture level also minimizes plant stress, which spurs faster growth. Drip irrigation helps remove the brown spots that occur in plants and flowers due to the falling of water droplets in them, leading to fungal disease in plants.

  1. Sprinkler irrigation

Lawn sprinkler systems are the normal go-to for landscape irrigation. Sprinklers are great once you have an outsized swath of plants of an equivalent sort. Thus, it is more effective to use on grass lawns.

Sprinkler irrigation is best useful during the summer seasons. When you use a sprinkler within the middle of the day, much of your water is susceptible to evaporate, and you’ll inadvertently scorch your grass.

In a sprinkler irrigation system, water is supplied through a pipe system by pumping and then sprayed to the entire field, which looks like natural rainfall. Whereas flood irrigation is a very simple method in which water is delivered by pipes, ditch, or some other means, and the water simply flows over the field through the crops.

The optimal time to water with a sprinkler is within the evening. The water will have all night to soak right down to reach the roots, and there’ll be less evaporation. You can find a timer for your lawn system to form sure it goes on at the simplest times during the day. So, hiring service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, would most definitely be a superb idea.

  1. Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is an alternative to water wells. Rainwater is collected in large barrels and humanmade ponds to be used in landscaping later on. The trick to rainwater harvesting is to stop evaporation by maintaining a closed system.

Large above-ground ornamental cisterns are used for hundreds of years for garden irrigation also as a drinking supply. Harvesting rainwater is practical where water is at a premium, and it’s impossible to run electricity to the world that needs watering. Hoses are often attached at the spigot or output device and directed where needed.

  1. Hand watering:

It is the most efficient technique for flats & plug trays where water is poured through small containers. Hand watering is least efficient for potted plants once they are at final spacing, and therefore the canopy is closed because it’s harder to urge the water to the budding medium and also takes a lot of time to deliver water to every container.

Even with experienced workers’ careful application, the maximum amount as 50 percent of the water that exits a hose finishes upon the ground. Efficiency and uniformity are often greatly improved by using water-saver saucers or trays that catch much of the water, which may otherwise miss the pot. These trays retain water, so it is often absorbed from rock bottom up.

  1. Booms

This is especially useful in flats. Mist nozzles can deliver water consistently at a low rate, resulting in uniform wetting and good water retention. The spray is under low pressure, so compaction and washout are minimized. However, drips and uneven spray can take a toll on small containers such as plug trays.

Booms can also be used for larger containers, especially when pots are still tightly spaced. Boom usually has selected mouth for different spraying patterns, allowing the plants to have an equal amount of water. They can be programmed to make repeated passes over the same area or to shut on and off while passing over different areas in their path.


As the years pass by, the anxiety and concern for going green have elevated worldwide, which has lead to the advancement of technology for irrigation. And among these great advancements, landscaping irrigation is also one. Always choose a reliable professional to understand which irrigation type is the best fit for your garden or lawn. This will help you save water and energy bills in the long run while keeping things beautiful.

If you are a lawn owner and want to do landscaping with a proper irrigation system, then now is the perfect time to survey and choose the best methods that will be more accurate for your landscaping. Hunter Irrigation Services provide you with a perfect opportunity to improve landscaping ideas with perfect design and perfect irrigation system.

Hunter Irrigation Services use only the top quality Rainbird and HunterBrand Irrigation products. So, no wasting your precious time questioning and thinking. Upgrade your ideas and your irrigation system today by calling us at 512-690-3113 for quick information on a free estimate. You can also mail us at