
Why is smart irrigation the need of the hour?

Although landscaping of an area is to enhance its aesthetics while preserving the soil and improving the quality of air surrounding the location, sometimes the use of water gets compromised. And in a situation where 33% of the world’s population is suffering from a water crisis, we cannot afford to lose it for the purpose of irrigation just in order for the landscape project. In this article, we are going to highlight the importance of smart irrigation and how you can improve your irrigation strategies to conserve water with the help of irrigation installation Austin TX.

Did you know that 70% of the total volume of water withdrawal is used for the purpose of irrigation? And that is where the wastage of water happens. That is because 60% of the water that is meant to be used for the irrigational purpose is lost due to land runoff or evapotranspiration, or only due to primitive modes of irrigation. This, in turn, casts light on the need for smart irrigation technology that can go a long way in managing the rising stress on water levels.

Read on this article to know more about the topic and understand why you should inculcate smart irrigation methods in your home lawns to contribute towards saving water.

The automated irrigation system is needed:

Smart irrigation is considered to be the critical component of precision landscape formation. It helps the landscape owners as well as the contractors setting up the project to minimize the wastage of water and thus improve the quality of plantation in the area by:

  • Irrigating the land at the right hour
  • Preventing runoffs and other forms of water wastage
  • Determining the level of moisture retained in the soil, which will further help you to find the correct irrigation strategy

Replacing the manually managed irrigation systems with the automated irrigation installation Austin TX bids riddance to the elements affected due to human error –in the essence of forgetting to close the valve after the field has been adequate water. Also, the automated method is instrumental as it helps in saving time, energy, and resources as well. The installation of smart irrigation system is relatively easy too –which doesn’t affect the lives of the average users.

The different types of smart irrigation systems:

There are two basic types of controls for smart irrigation systems. One is a weather-based irrigation system, while the other is soil-based. Both the systems vary in use and technical method of sensing and supplying the information for the irrigation system to work.

1-Weather-based irrigation system:

The weather-based smart irrigation system will make use of the local weather information from historical data, sensors, or reliable weather forecasting sources to make an informed decision about scheduling the watering times for the lawn.

A weather-based irrigation system is often termed as an evapotranspiration or ET system, which refers to the loss of water through the process of evaporation from the earth, and transpiration occurs from the greens. The water schedules are further determined by using an analytical assessment of the combination of humidity, insulation, wind, and temperature.

2-Soil-based irrigation system:

The irrigation system that is based on the profiles of the type of soil in the land makes use of information like the capacity of moisture retention of the local soil from the ground sensors to support information-based decisions to be taken about the watering schedules. The users can further configure the systems to manage the irrigation schedule on demand.

When you opt for irrigation installation Austin TX, you can schedule the timings of watering, depending upon the demand of the soil. For instance, if a particular area of the land is too dry, you can schedule to start the irrigation system of that area without affecting any other parts of the land. You can also decide to stop the system when the saturation level has been attained, and the soil now contains the desired amount of water required for the growth of the plants.

What is the advantage of using a smart irrigation system?

One of the most significant benefits of using a clever water irrigation system use that precision watering is the key technology that is kept in mind while the entire system is established. It further deals with the efficiencies of water delivery and makes sure to keep the wastage of water to a minimal level. There are generally four different types of water irrigation systems based on the types of water delivery:

  • Surface irrigation system: It is the most primitive method of irrigation, and it enables the distribution of water through irrigation systems such as ditches in which we have to depend on gravity to do the work.
  • Water sprinklers: In the sprinkler system –water is distributed through the air just as that of rain, which can be fixed in a location or could be mobile as well.
  • Trickle irrigation systems: The trickle system delivers water very locally to the surface of the ground.
  • Subsurface method: In this method, the irrigation system is buried next to the root zone of the plants, and water is directly applied from beneath the ground.

The subsurface method and trickle irrigation system make use of the lowest amount of water for watering the entire landscape, and they have the ability to save a maximum amount of water without wasting much.

The smart irrigation installation Austin TX is designed in a way keeping in mind the essentiality of water and why it needs to be preserved at any cost. The efficient use of water will not only help you save the water of your community but also you can contribute to the whole world, which heavily relies on fresh and clean water for survival.

Bottom Line:

Although we address the fact that turning barren land into a landscape could be the most efficient way of soil conservation and saving the environment from being polluted, we cannot ignore the fact that a significant amount of water is used for irrigating these landscapes. And the world that is continuously facing water scarcity –we cannot deprive it of more for the mere purpose of watering the greens.

However, what we can do is adopt other alternatives that will provide sufficient water for the irrigation of the land while checking on the wastage of the resources. Therefore, adopting the habit of using smart irrigation installation Austin TX is one such way to save our environment without further depriving it of any necessary forms of resources.

Are you looking for the smart irrigation installation Austin TX service providers in your locality? Then you have landed in the correct place. At Hunter Sprinklers, we aim to keep Austin TX wet and green. We will offer you with efficient irrigation systems that will help you conserve water without affecting the water balance of nature. To know more about us and to be a part of the green and clean environment call us at 512-690-3113 or you can also drop us an email at

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