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Top 7 signs you are overwatering your lawn

As lawn enthusiasts, we naturally want to ensure that our grass has sufficient of what it needs. Providing plant food regularly, proper maintenance practices, and, most importantly, plenty of water is the key. The truth is that you may be unwittingly overdoing it: it is feasible to over-water your grass, which may cause more harm than good. With a reliable solution by hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, you can sort your irrigation requirements.

Watering the grass becomes part of our normal garden management program as we shift from the winter season to the hot months. A robust and established grass, on the other hand, does not require daily watering. And, to be honest, it shouldn’t even require it every other day.

Regardless of what you have “always done” or what the person next door does, you must develop healthy lawn watering habits and watch for signals that the grass is getting too much to drink.


1. Your lawn is more green than usual.

Because you’re making sure your grass gets adequate water, it may seem greener than usual. But, it would become vulnerable to pest attack due to overwatering.

This is because too much water can pump nutrients through the soil, creating an ideal setting for weeds. If you want to avoid this problem, allow your lawn some time without watering, according to hunter irrigation parts Austin TX.

2. Your Grass is Sticky

If you see symptoms that you are overwatering your lawn, this is another clue that excess moisture has infiltrated the soil surrounding the Kentucky bluegrass. When this happens, according to service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, it might turn out that your grass becomes sticky, making it difficult to pull out whenever you walk on the lawn.

3. Brown Spots on the Lawn

Although symptoms of too-wet grass may result in greener development, indications of over-watering can indeed result in signs of too-wet grass appearing as brown blotches. If you notice brown patches on your Kentucky Bluegrass, it might be an indication that you’re overwatering your lawn.

4. Your Lawn is Compacted & Thin

When indicators of over-watering your lawn appear, the roots of your grass might be damaged. If this occurs, indicators that your ground is compacted will appear as sparse, dull-looking grass. Although it’s ideal for preventing indicators of over-watering, signs of under-watering your lawn can also appear.

Signs of dry grass, for example, include withering & browning areas. When it comes to signals that your lawn needs water, the main indicators are revealed by service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX. These include the soil turning hard to the touch when poked with a finger.

5. Overgrowth of Weeds

Overgrown lawns may provide ideal circumstances for weeds like smooth ornamental grasses or yellow nutsedge to thrive. If you notice a bunch of these troublesome plants growing in and taking over, it’s usually because there’s too much water being provided at once with no allocated time between each plant — leading it all up by the roots!

6. Fungi

If you find evidence of over-watering in your grass, signs of fungal may also be present. Check the soil for symptoms of moisture abuse to avoid lawn fungus.

If you observe any discoloration on the grass blades and mushrooms growing across from each other in a straight line, this might be an indication that water has been used excessively, encouraging not only fungal development but also potentially harming dogs and children!

7. Insect Pests

According to service providers for hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, heavy thatch on waterlogged lawns offers a home for insect pests & protects them from pesticides like imidacloprid& Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect pests prey on stressed or weak lawns. Armyworms & cutworms, for example, nibble & cut grass blades at the base, resulting in uneven, spreading bare patches. The larvae of May & June beetles & masked chafers feed on grassroots, causing withering and plant mortality.

How do sprinkler systems help in preventing your lawn from overwatering?

Conserve Water

Why do plants like to be watered first thing in the morning? Water does not evaporate as rapidly when the sun is low in the sky. This indicates that there will be more chance for absorption. You use much less water while providing more to the plants. It’s a win-win situation.

Most people who physically water their lawns & plants do it during the day, which implies they are fighting with the sun when it is at its greatest point in the sky. Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX‘s home lawn irrigation systems will help you preserve water, which is a precious (and scarce) natural resource.

Water savings are boosted even further with automatic features and sensors that switch off sprinklers & drip systems during days of intense precipitation.

Prevents Diseases, Weeds & Fungi

By minimizing overwatering and distributing water directly to plants, irrigation systems can help to reduce plant diseases, weeds, & fungus.

A drip system may be added to your irrigation system to provide water straight to the roots of the plants, trees, & shrubs. These are distinct from typical sprinklers, which water both weeds & your prized plants.

Fungi are also less likely to grow in irrigation systems. Summers in Texas are hot, so many landowners water their lawns at the end of the day to avoid standing in the heat. The issue is that water collects and sits on leaves overnight, allowing fungus & diseases like rot to thrive.

Uniform Watering

Irrigation systems distribute water evenly throughout your lawn on purpose. Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX‘s installation staff meticulously sets above-ground sprinklers, underground pipes, drip systems, & bespoke drainage systems to provide total lawn coverage. All sprinklers will operate together to disperse water evenly.

We also consider the terrain of your lawn, designing unique drainage systems to guarantee that any slopes & hills on your land are directed away from your grass & into drains as well as gutters.

Health Benefits

The grass is much more than a gorgeous sight; it also has various recognized health advantages. Grass, like other plants, absorbs & sequesters carbon dioxide gas, converting it to oxygen, which is required for breathing &, well, human existence. Twenty-four square feet of lush lawn gives one adult human an adequate amount of oxygen for one day.

A healthy grass, however, does more than just absorb CO2 from the atmosphere; it also acts as a biological filter for a variety of toxins and pollutants, including ozone, sulfur dioxide, dust, & other harmful particles.


If you’re a lawn owner, you need to take precautions to keep it healthy. You may do this by not overwatering your lawn and maintaining healthy water content in the soil. This will encourage grass growth while reducing water damage that might occur when you water the lawn too frequently. If you’re not sure how to look for your grass, consult with a local expert.

Are you looking for the best irrigation parts provider for your sprinkler needs? If you’ve been searching for a sprinkler irrigation network for a long time, your search is over. Hunter Sprinklers provides sprinkler services such as installation, replacement, maintenance, and repair. All you have to do is call us at 512-690-3113 or email us at

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Can my lawn sprinklers rust?

Corrosion is an expensive issue for sprinkler systems. It can create leaks, resulting in faulty sprinkler systems, water damage, & finally, the replacement of the complete system. This blog from Hunter Irrigation Parts Austin TX, examines corrosion, where it may be found, how it impacts a sprinkler system, & how to detect and avoid it.

What is corrosion?

When we talk about corrosion, we generally mean when a metal interacts with its surroundings, causing the metal to deteriorate. In sprinkler systems, this frequently occurs when oxygen combines with iron to generate iron oxides, sometimes known as “rust.” This is increased further when it happens in the presence of liquid, which aids the reaction.

While this is the most prevalent, other forms of corrosion, like microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) & galvanic corrosion, can also impact a sprinkler system.

There is both exterior and interior corrosion in any metallic element of a sprinkler system. While each of these faults is capable of causing system failure, interior corrosion is harder to detect and creates more problems. Internal corrosion often originates at the air/water contact, whereas exterior corrosion is more environment-dependent.

Where does corrosion occur?

There are several places where pipework and sprinklers are particularly vulnerable to external corrosion. The majority of these places have various components in the environment that might accelerate corrosion. Among the most popular Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, examples are:

  • Areas with manure or fertilizer (animal pens)
  • Areas or Pools containing pool chemicals
  • Areas close to the ocean which are exposed to salt air from the outside
  • Salt storage
  • The pipe is in touch with the dirt.
  • Excessive moisture areas (steam room)

In areas where corrosive circumstances are known, corrosion-resistant sprinklers & corrosion-resistant pipes, fittings, and hangars must be installed. Meanwhile, all pipes & fittings put on the building’s outside must be corrosion resistant.

Internal corrosion, on the other hand, is most frequent where metal, water, and air come into contact. This can happen in both dry & wet pipe systems. Corrosion happens most frequently in moist pipe systems near pockets of air that might become trapped in high places.

Corrosion happens most frequently at low locations in dry &preaction systems because it is where any leftover water accumulates. Hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, can undoubtedly provide you with the best service and can help you avoid corrosion.

What effect does corrosion have on a sprinkler system?

Sprinkler systems suffer from corrosion, which causes the components to fail. For pipes, this might manifest as pinhole leaks or rust accumulation that restricts water flow. Corrosion in sprinklers can block the water discharge orifice, interfere with the deflector & discharge pattern, or seal the plug, prohibiting water from touching the fire.

Other components, such as pipe hangers & fittings, might also corrode, leading to further issues.

What can I do to minimize corrosion?

It is practically difficult to eliminate the chance of corrosion. However, there are several procedures suggested by hunter irrigation parts Austin TX that may be followed to assist limit the amount of corrosion in a system:

  • Better pipe material: Looking just at the material utilized is an excellent place to start when attempting to postpone corrosion. Certain types of pipe, like plastic CPVC, copper, or galvanized steel, are more corrosion resistant. There are other advantages to having thicker pipes since rust does not eat through the pipe wall as rapidly. Higher quality materials may be more expensive up front, but they will last longer and be more reliable.
  • Corrosion-resistant sprinkler: Sprinklers installed by hunter irrigation parts Austin TX, in locations prone to external corrosion, must be corrosion resistant. This implies they must be made of corrosion-resistant material, coated with a specific coating like wax, as well as plated with a corrosion-resistant metal.
  • Water supply: According to NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, the water supply must be assessed to see whether it has any unique corrosive qualities or is likely to contain MIC. If it occurs, you must either construct a corrosion/MIC resistant pipe, treat the liquid with water additives, adopt a monitoring strategy, or fill your dry and preaction system with nitrogen.
  • Wet Pipe: Air Venting: According to NFPA 13, a vent must be situated at a higher point within the system to enable air to be withdrawn by a manual or automated valve. This is a suitable strategy for reducing corrosion activity in wet pipe sprinkler systems. The air venting valve aims to evacuate as much trapped air as feasible from a single spot each time the system is filled, resulting in less oxygen for metal to react with.
  • Dry Pipe: Drain Water Out of System: In the same way as wet pipe systems aim to remove air from the pipes, dry pipe and preaction systems want to remove water. Dry pipe &preaction systems must be pitched to something like a low point drain for water to be evacuated from the system. Because most corrosion occurs just at air/water contact, this will aid in corrosion prevention.
  • Dry Pipe: Nitrogen: Nitrogen, rather than air, can be utilized to fill the sprayer piping network in the dry pipe as well as preaction systems. When a system is flooded with nitrogen, very little oxygen is present, which is essential in the rusting process. Nitrogen can be supplied via cylinders or by a nitrogen generator.

How can I spot corrosion?

Some rust is obvious, while others might be difficult to detect. Keep a watch out for external corrosion, which may be detected by its orange-brown color and rough texture during your yearly floor level check of pipes, fittings, and sprinklers.

Internal corrosion is much more difficult to detect during an annual inspection. Hence an assessment of piping’s internal state is necessary every five years. Aside from that evaluation, the consequences of internal and exterior corrosion may be detected by examining for water stains or leaky pipes where corrosion may have generated pinhole leaks in the system by eating down the wall of your pipes.


When considerable corrosion accumulation affects sprinkler system operation, that segment of piping or sprinkler must be replaced. When corrosion is severe enough, a whole system must be replaced. Addressing these concerns can assist in ensuring the reliability of the sprinkler system, enhance the life of your system, and save you time, energy, & money in the long run.

Hunter irrigation parts Austin TXprovides a tailored solution that includes installation, repair, and maintenance. We are among the leading Hunter sprinkler dealers, providing affordable and dependable solutions to residential and commercial premises. For further information, please contact us at 512-690-3113 or

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When Do You Need Sprinkler Repair Service?

Sprinkler system is important for a great looking lawn or garden. Efficient watering is essential for keeping the grass and plants healthy. Choosing the right irrigation system can make all the difference to how your landscape looks.

From time to time, your sprinkler system will need repair and maintenance. But you might need a replacement too. It is important to know when you need repair and when to replace the whole system. This will save you time and cost. If you have lawn irrigation in Austin TX, make sure you take care of it so that it can last longer.

Here are the signs that your irrigation system needs repairing and not replacement:

Incorrect Installation

Incorrect sprinkler installation can lead to a wide range of performance issues. This can happen when the sprinklers heads are not properly installed and it led to poor water coverage. Wiring issues can lead to many problems too. This is where you need to call in sprinkler experts to have a look.

The technicians will check the sprinkler system set-up and find out the issues. If it’s the installation issue, they can re-install the system to ensure it works fine in the future. Hunter sprinklers are one of the best choices for an irrigation system. You can easily find Hunter irrigation parts in Austin TX with the right dealers,

Right installation is the key to having the best irrigation system for your lawn. Make sure that it is properly installed and if you find any issues with the system, get it re-installed.

No Maintenance Routine For a Long Time

It is easy to forget about the sprinkler system unless you start seeing issues like increase in cost or inefficient watering. But poor maintenance or no maintenance can lead to wear and tear. Ultimately, your sprinkler system will have untimely breakdown. This will add to the cost of either heavy repair work or replacement. Which is why you need a proper maintenance program to take care of the irrigation system.

When there is an issue with your sprinkler system, make sure to call in the technicians to check all the component for the system for issues. A good service provider will perform a thorough check, clean and update the components when needed and so on.

You need to get a maintenance program so that you can prevent breakdown for the system. Make sure that you stick to the routine so that you can keep your sprinkler system in good shape.

When your Sprinkler System Malfunctions

You need sprinkler repair when you see the obvious signs of malfunctions, such as inefficient watering, brown patches, dry areas, water waste and more. This is the sign that your sprinkler system is not working well and needs attention.

Some of the most common sprinkler issues are leaks, nozzle disconnected, clogged sprinklers, damage to the wiring, broken pipes, and more. These issues can be easily fixed and your sprinkler system will starts working once again. If your sprinkler system is not very old, repair service can make it efficient once again.

Regularly check your sprinkler for issues. Easiest ways to do it is to pay attention to how your lawn looks. Does it look good and healthy and well-maintained? If yes then good. If its now, make sure to find the issue and fix it immediately.

What are the Perks of Installing New Sprinklers?

Getting a new sprinkler lawn irrigation in Austin TX has many perks. Adding new features such as rainfall detectors and customers sprinkler heads can make your irrigation system even better.

Upgrading your current irrigation system will save a lot of time. Automating your sprinkler system will save a lot of time and you don’t have to remember switching it on or off. Set the timer and the sprinkler will switch on and off and ensure that your lawn gets water on time.

If your current sprinkler system is not working efficiently, and is really old, it needs upgrade or replacement. Over time, the ground will change and trees roots can get in the way of the sprinkler’s heads. That’s when you can consider re-installing the sprinkler or get new ones.

The Bottom-line

Sprinkler system timely repair, maintenance and upgrades and replacement can save you time and cost. It will keep your irrigation system in top-notch condition. Always pay attention to small things like dry patches or water pooling. These are the things that indicate that your irrigation system needs repair or maintenance. Understand the difference between repair and replacement needs. Making a smart choice can help you keep your lawn in good shape.

Hunter Irrigation Service offers Hunter irrigation parts in Austin TX. We have been providing high-quality and reliable solution for many years. We offer customized solution for lawn irrigation in Austin TX and we specialize in Hunter sprinkler system. Our expert team will take care of all your needs and ensure proper installation, repair and maintenance.

Checkout our products here –

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Important Factors to Remember When selecting an irrigation service provider

The addition of an irrigation system to the property properly might bring many benefits like more well-organized & convenient watering, along with an increase in the worth of the property by even some percent.

However, selecting the wrong irrigation service provider for the job might lead to an inferior system, property damage, water wastage, a lawsuit, & huge expenditures to rectify problems.

Certainly, it will be better to go for a suitable irrigation service provider from the beginning, yet that is not that simple when there are a lot of irrigation service providers on hand. Now let’s take a look at some factors recommended by irrigation installation, Austin, TX, to determine whether a service provider is a perfect choice for your project of irrigation or not.

1. Extensive experience

Experience certainly counts while choosing an irrigation service provider. A seasoned irrigation service provider has worked on estates in your neighborhood for a lot of years & knows what to anticipate. They understand permit, local bylaws, & material requirements, microclimates, soil conditions, & regional weather difficulties.

They have also used numerous irrigation systems & know sprinkler heads, backflow valves, & controllers. They realize what works perfectly for your lawn, how to design your system of irrigation to minimize costs & maximize efficiency, & what to ward off.

Don’t value a service provider on price alone. Night owl service providers are everywhere, & they often lure customers with low bids. Regrettably, low bids generally indicate cut corners & inferior systems, or worsened; they take the money & run.

Ask the service provider how long they have operated on their business name. You will want to select a provider with a good track record of servicing customers in your region well. Five years is good, ten is better, & anything over twenty years shows they are here to stay & they are doing stuff right.

2. Sufficient resources

It is easy to create a cheap website, so do not rely on this solely when approaching an irrigation service provider. Instead, make sure the provider has a business listing in the regional telephone directory & they comprise this number on their internet site.

Avoid service providers with P.O. boxes addressing as well. Any valuable irrigation service provider has a physical office which you can visit, informed office hours, & administrative personnel. Fast & easy customer connection indicates a responsible, responsive provider.

If you need, drive-by their place to see in case they have equipment on their lot. A significant irrigation service provider owns equipment & rents while it makes sense.

Call or mail them & ask for a vacant quote & discuss paying options. Avoid service providers that only accept payment by cash. Reputable providers offer credit choices, so you have to resort in case having a concern.

Also Read: Relation Between Right Irrigation Installation & Healthy Garden

3. Suitably insured

Ask a potential service provider to see their WSIB (Workers Safety Insurance & Board) standing Certification of Clearance. WSIB reportage is a mandatory necessity for all irrigation service providers in Texas, except solopreneurs.

This report provides economic compensation & medical coverage to laborers if they are injured while operating on your plan. Without a WSIB report, the labor could prosecute you for their medical costs, lost wages, legal fees, & the court might award them a resolution too.

Moreover, ask to view their Certificate of Insurance to determine they have responsibility insurance. The certificate must state their name of the company & address & prove they bear at least a million-dollar commercial general responsibility, including property damage & bodily injury report. Check the efficient & expiry dates of their policy to make sure it is active.

4. Good credential & reviews

Check potential service providers through the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Search for at least an A, yet if possible, an A+ rating.

Facebook, Google Reviews & Twitter are also fantastic sources for details. People are commonly very frank online & their comments may tell you a lot about whether the enterprise replies promptly, in case they are friendly, & whether they pass the extra mile to live up to their customers.

Most significantly, ask the service provider to provide you with a catalog of recent customers. A reliable irrigation service provider is ready for comments, right or wrong, & continually attempts to improve.

5. Extensive written contract

Reliable service providers offer a free list followed by an extensive written contract. It safeguards you & eliminates misunderstandings.

The written contract must include every job details like the materials & employment, completion dates for stages of the work, & payment schedules. It as well spells out who is accountable for what, like obtaining permits, locating hidden services, etc.

A good service provider also describes how the service provider obtains sanction for changes & the expense of any extras that you add to the system.


If you have done your revision for lawn irrigation, Austin, TX & they seem to be a perfect fit; detail it all in a written contract & ensure the work begins. An efficient, well-designed irrigation system makes looking out for your property suitable & worry-free.

In need of the best Sprinkler service provider for your lawn or garden? Here at Hunter Sprinklers, we provide the best sprinklers for your lawn while flaunting the best provider service in the whole region. Along with our lawn sprinkler, Austin, TXwe also provide the best hunter irrigation parts, Austin, TXFor more information, contact us at 512-690-3113 or email us at

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Problems you face when dealing with an unlicensed irrigation installation service provider

Experts of licensing irrigation promote the preservation of public safety, health, & common good; supports the economic, environmental, & social benefits of cultured landscapes; & helps to secure the effective use of water supply.

Laws for licensing vary from state to state; that’s why check requirements & verify provider licensing before hiring. Each irrigation installation service provider appeals to you for various reasons. They are almost alike qualified, with only one difference, whether they are licensed or not.

In case you are looking to set up an all-new system or replace the previous one, irrigation installation Austin, TX, will design & set up a sprinkler system that will water the lawn & landscape effectively & efficiently. But before that, you must be aware of the unlicensed irrigation installation service provider. Let’s take a look at some of the problems that might cause.

1.Incorrect head Plans

A lot of sprinkler heads on a single zone lowers the pressure of water for each head. Eventually, the heads will poorly shoot water, & the lower pressure might also prevent retractable sprinklers from emerging.

Too few sprinkler heads give rise to inadequate hedging of plant material. A few areas will be under-watered, getting dry & brown, while the rest near the sprinkler might get over-watered, as the house owner tries to redress by irrigating a lot often. The spraying from each sprinkler must be reaching the whole way to the subsequent sprinkler in each way for 100% overlap, in what is called head-to-head coverage.

Runoff happens when sprinkler heads are set up too close to sidewalks, structures, & driveways.

2.Mixed heads with various pressure ratings & precipitation rates in the very zone

You should solely use sprinklers with corresponding precipitation rates & pressure ratings in the very zone. Stick with a single brand & model of sprinkler for the zone due to the fact that precipitation rates vary between models & makes.

If you blend a lofty precipitation sprinkler with a lowly one in the same leaflet zone, one place will be over-watered, & one under-watered. It is fine to utilize a different sort of sprinkler in a distinct zone (e.g., brand “a” spray heads for a little lawn area on 1 valve, brand “b” emitters for the yard on another valve, & brand “c” for rotors for a bigger lawn area on a 3rd valve).

Read more: Relation Between Right Irrigation Installation & Healthy Garden

Also, with a view to achieving corresponding precipitation rates in an irrigation zone, an expert knows how to select the perfect GPM tips for rotor sprinklers with the intention to proportionally pair their application or precipitation rates. A rotor that is watering a half-circle must have a nozzle set up that is applying half of the GPM, which the nozzle in a complete circle rotor sprinkler in a similar zone is applying.

Nozzles for sprinklers also require to be matched for rates of precipitation & distance in a similar zone. You cannot just take a dissimilar brand nozzle & screw it on the body of a sprinkler in case the performance specifications are not the same & expect it to function properly.

3.Improper Set-Up of drip tubing & emitters

A licensed, trained provider has to match the appropriate emitters with the requirements of the plants & the type of soil. In case the emitters are set up too far aside, are too less in number, or do not meet watering requirements, the plant roots cannot develop properly.

Types of emitters comprise pre-installed emitter lines, soaker hose, micro bubblers, punch-in emitters, & micro sprays. Emitter hoses, soaker hoses, & micro sprays are well suited for closely separated plants, whereas drip emitters are good for places with wider spaces amidst plants or for distinct plant containers. Micro sprays are not as effective as ground drip emitters, as they might lose water because of evaporation.

In a row, drip tubing (with pre-fitted emitters) must be laid at eighteen or twenty-four-inch gaps. Unlicensed providers have set up the tubing wrongly by running it in places where there were no plants, tracking the lines very close with each order, not laying the tubing pretty close to the plants, & creating tangled, layering piles of tubing.

Punch-in emitters or user-installed provide more adaptability than in-line tubing & allow adaptation for a diversity of plant sizes & irregular plant distancing. These may be installed on web-based tubing as well.

Unlicensed providers also cut values by utilizing emitters which clog easily & distribute water unequally, rather than setting up the better quality flow of diaphragm, turbulent-flow, adjustable, or pressure remedial emitters.


Chances are, that until you hire a licensed & trained irrigation installation service provider, there are a few hidden disasters waiting to happen in your irrigation system. It is not only a risk to hire an unlicensed provider, but the reasons provided above by lawn irrigation, Austin, TX, will help you know how harmful they can be to your irrigation system.

Wondering what the best way to upgrade your lawn irrigation arrangement is? Here at Hunter Sprinklers, we provide the best sprinklers. Our lawn sprinkler Austin TX includes the best sprinkler service along with that we provide the best hunter irrigation parts, AustinTo know more, call us at 512-690-3113 or write to us at

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Relation Between Right Irrigation Installation & Healthy Garden

If you have a garden, proper irrigation installation in Austin TX is very important. Sprinkler system is one of the most popular and efficient irrigation systems that ensures proper irrigation of the garden. Having the right irrigation system is the key to having a healthy and well-maintained garden.

There is a relation between irrigation system and having a well-maintained garden or landscape. An efficient irrigation system is important for any type of landscape that has grass and plants on it like crop field, playground, golf field and more. If you want to keep your landscape well-irrigated, it is imperative that you get professional irrigation installation in Austin, TX.

Right installation is the key, here is why:

  • Right Installation Means Proper Working

It doesn’t matter how great your sprinkler system is, if it is not installed properly, your garden will not get enough water. Proper installation will ensure that your irrigation system is working efficiently all the time. Professional installers know what type of irrigation system a landscape need. They will install it as per the needs. Besides, they will install as per the specification and ensure that it is working properly. Hire someone who has many years of experience to get the best results.

  • Prevent Problems

You will be surprised to know that if the irrigation system is not installed properly, it can lead to a lot of problems. The sprinkler system may stop working or breakdown. It can also lead to uneven watering. Some place may get more water while other areas remain dry. Right installation is very important ensure that your irrigation system is working efficiently all the time. Hire the right installation service to prevent problems and ensure that your garden looks beautiful and well-maintained.

  • Save Water and Reduce Waste

An efficient irrigation system will make sure that the garden area is well irrigated by utilizing the water well. Gardening can take up a lot of water, which is why sprinkler system is considered as one of the best options. It is an efficient irrigation system that ensure efficient use of water. This can also prevent water waste. If you live in place where water is scarce, make sure to get an efficient irrigation installation in Austin TX, like the sprinkler system. Right irrigation installation is important for having an efficient and reliable watering system. Besides, saving water means saving money on water bills. You can save a lot of money this way.

Also Read: How to choose the right sprinkler system according to your lawn requirements?

How to Choose The Best Professional Installation Service

Now that you know proper irrigation installation is important, it is now time to find the right service. Finding the right installation service is important if you want to get the best out of your sprinkler system. When you are looking for the right installer or installation service, you need to keep important things in mind, such as:

  1. Experience

    Look for an installation service that has many years of experience. Hire a professional installer with at least 5 years of experience. An experienced installer or team of installers will do the best job. The already know what needs to be done, which means they can work efficiently and ensure results that will meet your specific needs. Always verify that the company you are hiring is really experienced.

  2. Credentials

    Check credentials when looking for irrigation installation service in Austin. They must have license, be insured and bonded. All these things are important for hiring the best installation service. A reliable company will not hesitate to show the papers or share information you need. Hiring a good installation service is very important for getting the best results.

  3. Expertise

    Sprinkler system is one of the best irrigation systems. Make sure that you are hiring an installation service that specializes in sprinkler system. Sprinkler system can help you keep your garden in top-notch condition. With the right installation service, you can find the right solution for your needs.

  4. Read Online Reviews

    Today, companies have website where you can find information. Customers do post their reviews online, which can help you find the right installation service. Read online reviews about the company or service you want to hire so that you can easily find a reliable installation service.

Keep these things in mind when you are looking for a reliable irrigation installation in Austin, TX.

The Bottom-line

Right irrigation installation is the key to finding the best irrigation system for your garden. If you want to keep your garden well-maintained, you need the best installation service. Make sure that you choose the right service by looking at important features like experience, expertise and more.

Hunter Irrigation Services provides the best irrigation installation in Austin, TX. We use high-quality and reliable installation tools and methods to provide customized service. No matter what shape or size of garden you have, we can ensure the right installation is done. We offer reliable and cost-effective solution for your needs.

Call us at 512-690-3113 for more information. You can email us at

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How to choose the right sprinkler system according to your lawn requirements?

A flawless lawn is the glory of every home, the jewel of every neighborhood. But to have a lawn this admirable, you must be ready to put efforts into its upkeep; a lawn is only as good as the efforts put into it.

Lawn maintenance requires, among other things, a lot of water and a sound irrigation system. Responsible home-owners must always keep in mind their water usage and its impact on the environment. Most people are under an illusion that a watering can, or bucket loads of water will suffice for a lawn. But they’re hugely mistaken, as these methods are not only inefficient but also harmful to the environment.

Why is a sprinkler system important?

An automatic lawn sprinkler system is designed to save water by using a specified amount of water, only what’s necessary. This also eliminates the risk of leaving the hose running or of leaking pipes as the system will take care of all that for you.

Every lawn is unique, and it’s imperative that you select the most appropriate lawn sprinkler Austin, TX, for your lawn. Finding the perfect lawn sprinkler system is a tough task that requires prior knowledge and precision. Thankfully, there are only a few things that you must keep in mind while buying a system.

Things to consider

1.Check the capacity:

The complexity of the sprinkler depends upon the size of your lawn; the larger the area, the more complicated the system.

Here are the parameters you should be mindful of-

  • The field’s size and shape
  • The topography of the land. For example, does the land have bumps and steep slopes?
  • The labor and time on your hands to run the system
2.Figure out the soil type: 

Certain types of soil require a different kind of lawn sprinkler. Austin, TXhas a unique soil that requires special sprinklers.

  • Sandy soil requires constant vigilance as it doesn’t hold much water but allows water to pass through it.
  • Silt soils need specific settings.
  • For loamy soils, first, ascertain its proper composition and adjust accordingly.
3.Consider the availability of water:

 Sometimes, the county, state, or city of your residence may have strict regulations on the consumption of water due to drought-like conditions. But certain sprinkler systems require more water than the others. So you must be careful to adhere to your area’s rules.

4. Ascertain the complexity of the system:

When buying a lawn sprinkler system, you must check how hard it would be to install the system. Some systems are relatively easy and can be installed without professional experience and help.

5.Check your budget:

 Before scouring the market for a lawn sprinkler in Austin, TX, you must ascertain how much you’d like to spend on the system. It will help you narrow your choices down.

Also Read: Importance of Proper Irrigation installation in Efficient Landscaping

Sprinkler systems used commonly

1.Rotor head system:

Perfect for covering huge areas, an average rotor head system sprays less than an inch every hour, thus giving the soil enough time to adequately absorb the water. A rotor head system with a low precipitation rate is perfect for clay soil as it takes time to absorb water and clogs up if the water is supplied too fast.

2.Drip system:

Used for specific plants and sections, the drip irrigation system allows you to set these up for certain flower beds, flowers, plants, etc. It gets its name from its characteristic to let the water drip straight into the soil. This system is great for conserving water.

3.Spray system:

Great for small areas needing lots of water in a short span of time, a spray sprinkler system sprays 1.5 inches of water every hour (on average). This system is best for areas where the soil is absorbent and the ground flat.

Always Remember!

In a sprinkler system, pipes pump the water, which is then sprayed on the area, often resembling natural rainfall. Researches have proven that there has been an increase in average irrigation efficiency. Its unique way of dispersing water ensures that the soil has adequate time to absorb the water, thus reducing the chances of waterlogging.

The sprinkler irrigation system is appropriate for areas with soil of any type because the system’s distribution plan is tailormade for that specific patch of land.


Pioneered about a century ago, the technology of sprinkler irrigation grew in popularity only after the Second World War, after the evolution of plastics and the influx of new and better motors.

In recent years, environmentally conscious homeowners have switched to lawn sprinkler Austin, TX, as it’s more eco-friendly and conserves water.

Are you an agricultural producer in search of the perfect irrigation system? Perhaps you are a homeowner looking for a way to nurture your garden? Hunter Irrigation Services have you covered!

Lawn sprinkler Austin, TXis the way to go. We use only the top-quality Rainbird and HunterBrand Irrigation Products, so you can rest assured that none of your precious time will be wasted pondering and questioning the quality.

Choose the green life, contact us at 512-690-3113 for quick information on a free estimate. You can also mail us at