
Should you use an irrigation system during the fall season? Here is a brief guide that explains it all

All of us perceive that all the growing plants happen during the summer, and they eventually begin to die during the fall. Most of the people stop irrigating their lawn when autumn arrives. Just because the plants desperately need water during the summer as compared to any other season, doesn’t mean one should put a stop to irrigating during other seasons. The concept is little more complicated and a proper research is required to understand it completely.

In addition to mowing grasses at the correct height and removal of fallen leaves in time, adequate watering is also critical during fall. So, the irrigation installation, Austin, tx won’t go in vain in the autumn season. Here we are, breaking the globally-popular misconception with facts. Read on and educate yourself on this context.

When should you stop watering?

Keep irrigation your lawn until you see the ground freezing. When that happens, you should know that the time has come to a stop with all the watering. The frozen ground creates a barrier between the plant’s root and the path of water. There’s no use of watering when it cannot reach the roots. This is the reason it is said that northern winters create desert conditions in cold temperatures.

By “desert,” you might vision board images of succulents and cacti standing over hot sands. However, the desert is also used to refer to areas having frozen grounds. Plants enter into a stage called dormancy, where the need for water is next to nil.

How do plants function during the fall? Should you keep watering or not?

Not all plants are the same. Different plants require different things. It is during the fall when perennials and shrubs start expanding their roots. While summer is for flower and leaf growth, and seed and fruit production, the autumn season is dedicated to taking care of the root system. What makes the fall suitable for root growth is the fact that the soil becomes warm from the hot and sunny days of summer.

And then, the autumn season gives the warm days cooled nights along with regular rainfall that encourages the plant growth into the soil. The absence of rain will cause dehydration of plants. This is where the irrigation installation, Austin, tx comes into play. Watering the lawn every week or two helps the roots to grow. If you find a warm temperature and windy weather, you should keep irrigating. The wind might end up drying the plants and prevent the juices from flowing downwards.

For the transition that happens during the growing season to switch to the dormant season, plants work very hard. Plants send fluids down, which causes fall off of leaves. However, if there’s no rainfall, it will end up hampering the flow down of juices and leads to the desiccating of leaves. Therefore, root systems need good hydration to deal with cold temperatures, drying sun rays of winter, and high winds. While south-facing plants require more water, all the north-facing ones have a good water-holding capacity. In this way, you can pick out plants that need your help.

Newly planted plants need more water, along with plants and transplants that are subjected to attention. For example, evergreens, don’t take a break from the weather damage. All-year-round, their foliage is exposed to harsh conditions of sun, wind, and dry situations. Experts of irrigation installation, Austin, tx, will guide you through the current weather patterns and the amount of water the plants need.

Once the plants are deprived of water, a critical situation arises for them. Inadequate water supply doesn’t facilitate the uptake of nutrients during the growing period. For a good part of the fall, the grass keeps growing even when you might not be aware of it.

Strike a Balance

Now that you’re aware of how important it is to water your lawn during the fall, you should also not forget the fact that overwatering should be avoided at all costs. Areas getting sufficient rainfall don’t need much water. You only need to water overseeded areas or regions where new plants have been planted. When you overwater, your root system is harmed and provides an invitation to fungus for invading your lawn. Excessive moisture creates an environment in which fungal diseases thrive.

As compared to plants, grasses are more vulnerable when it comes to distributing fungal diseases. As you already know, lawns are filed up grasses. Once a grass picks up a fungus, it immediately transfers it to the neighbours. However, this is not always the case. Dry and warm spells usually occur throughout the fall in the southern areas. Contact the nearest irrigation installation, Austin, tx, and the experts will provide the best solution to you.


We hope this article was informative enough to break the widely-believed misconception of not watering the lawn during the fall. We don’t want you to make the mistake that people have been making since time immemorial. There’s so much more to the pattern of watering than this. It’s strongly recommended to water the plants in the early morning. In this way, the lawn has all day long to dry out completely before night falls. Similarly, the evening is considered as the worst time to irrigate the grounds. Embrace the amazing season, and help your plants while they are in the transitioning stage to the state of dormancy. Also, you can help the plants get ready for the onset of winter. Good watering, mulching, and trimming are some of the things you can do to get them ready. When the spring arrives, your plants are going to thank you for all the hard work done and will grow even better with colors that are better than summer.

If you are someone who just can’t stick to one place and traveling is your life, it doesn’t mean you’ve to come back to a dead lawn. Hunter sprinklers is here, providing you with the best irrigation installation, Austin, tx, so that you don’t have to compromise with the health of your little buds. Starting from emergency repairs and landscaping to sprinkler maintenance and installation, our experts strive to provide the best of everything. Our certified technicians will treat your lawn or landscape with the utmost care. Our company is insured, licenses, and fully bonded for installations of lawn sprinklers in Austin. All our products are of the highest quality so that you experience the best properties of irrigation installation. Your precious garden will be watered all-year-round. Our staff is very well-behaved and friendly to clients. If you have got further queries, contact us via mail at or call us at 512-690-3113.