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Lawn Irrigation: Why Early Morning Watering Is the Best

Having an efficient irrigation system is key to having a great looking lawn. Which is why, you need the right lawn sprinkler Austin TX for the job. Reliable lawn irrigation Austin TX can make all the difference in the world. It will help you keep your lawn healthy and well-maintained.

While having an efficient irrigation system is important, choosing the right time for watering is equally important. Watering early in the morning is considered is the ideal time for it. There are various reasons for it. Early morning watering will maximize the ability of your lawn irrigation Austin TX. Plus, you will have a great looking lawn and save time and cost.

Find out how early morning watering the lawn can benefit you.

Lawn irrigation – Sprinkler Irrigation System

When it comes to lawn irrigation, sprinkler irrigation system is the best. It is designed to work to suit specific needs. For instance, it can be installed to suit the watering needs of your lawn. No matter how small or big lawn you have. Or what shape lawn it is. A sprinkler system can be installed to effectively match their irrigation system.

Find a professional service for lawn irrigation Austin TX to get the best installation. Right installation is the key to getting the best irrigation system for your lawn. After you get the right lawn sprinkler Austin TX, you can then start with your lawn watering routine.

What Is the Best Time to Water the Plants?

As you know, the best time to water plants is early in the morning. Why this time? It is the time when the plants are more ready to absorb water. Plus, lack of sunlight means water is unlikely to evaporate faster. It will boost the growth of your plants and help them grow faster. It is important that you water the plants early in the morning without fail. Frequency of watering will depend on your watering needs.

  • Early morning watering ensures that the plants get plenty of water to absorb. They will also have plenty of time to absorb water. Water the plants or your lawn before the sun comes up.
  • Switch on the lawn sprinkler system before the sunrises so that your lawn will get enough time to take in water. You can also automate the sprinkler system so that it can switch on and off at the prescribed time.
  • After early morning, late evening is the best time to water the lawn. It is for the same reasons. The sun is down and your plants and grasses will not feel the pressure to stay hydrated. Again, they will have plenty of time to absorb water. The soil will also have enough time to do it.
Worst Time to Water Plants

Just like the best time, there is the worst time to water plants. By all means, avoid watering your plants in the afternoon. Even late afternoon is not a good idea. Avoid switching your sprinklers in the middle of the day. When the sun is out, your plants and grasses will have to work harder to retain moisture. Additionally, they will retain less water because it will evaporate.

  • Avoid setting the timer of your sprinkler system between 10 am and 6pm, or according to the sunrise and sunset time in your area. Identify the peak hours of sun and avoid watering the plants during that time.
  • While watering in the late afternoon or during the day is not ideal, avoid watering during the night. It can affect the growth. Just like your body, your plants also have a clock.
  • During the summer, you can choose to water the plants late in the afternoon or evening. As the days are longer, you can water the plants late in the afternoon or early evening without causing any damage to the plants.
The Bottom Line

Lawn irrigation Austin TX is one of the best ways to water plants. Lawn sprinklers make watering task easier. You can set the timer, amount of water and even switch on rain and humidity sensor. This will help in efficient watering of your lawn while saving both time and cost. Timing is essential when it comes to watering the plants. So, make sure that you follow the proper timing to water your lawn and keep them looking healthy.

Hunter Irrigation Services offer customized installation, repair and maintenance of lawn irrigation in Austin, TX. We provide fast, efficient and cost-effective sprinkler system solution. We specialize in Hunter irrigation solution. Our expert technicians will make sure that your get the best installation solution for your lawn sprinklers Austin TX.

Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at for more information.