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Decoding Common Myths and Facts about Irrigation Installation System

With summers soon to arrive, you might be worried about the irrigation needs of your garden/lawn. With most lawn owners, there is a need for an irrigation system that saves energy bills as well as water. To know the best fit for your lawn, you should get in touch with an experienced professional for irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

Although the popular modes of irrigation have been around for a long time, there are still several myths that have been in the market for quite some time.

So, without further ado, let us take a look at some of the myths and facts related to the irrigation system.

Decoding the Myths and Facts About Irrigation System

1-Myth: Sprinklers tend to go off accidentally:


Yes, we have seen a lot of movies and TV series where the comic character is often sprayed by an accidental blow off of the sprinklers installed in the garden. But, that is just it; stories blended in for comic laughter.

Truth be told, the chances or probability of your sprinkler system going off on its own pertaining to the manufacturing defects is probably 1 in a total of 16 million households. This being said, you can easily say that there is a way better chance of you winning a lottery ticket, which is 1 in every 1 million.

However, you need to keep in mind that with a lack of proper maintenance, you might experience issues such as rapid degradation of the system. So, make sure you bring in reputed maintenance service providers for irrigation installation, Austin, TX. So, there is an absolutely minimal chance of your sprinkler system going off on its own, but it doesn’t hurt to keep things fully maintained, right?

2-Myth: Sprinkler heads might leak:


If you are worried that your sprinkler head might start leaking and lead to wastage of water, then you couldn’t be any more wrong. Generally, the sprinkler systems are installed with the very same pressure format as your traditional plumbing system.

Plus, any reliable service provider for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, will surely check the system with a higher pressure flow during the installation period. So, you can be free of any worries that your sprinkler head might be leaking.

3-Myth: One sprinkler leak can cause others to leak as well:


Each of the sprinkler heads in the irrigation installation system has been designed with the sturdiest build in mind. If you have a zoning system within your garden, it can also help avoid any unwanted leakage and limit the issue to a certain area. Normally, a timer will activate the sprinkler in your garden, and even if there is a leakage in one of your systems, it will in no way affect the others.

So, you do not have to worry about the sprinkler systems going off and hampering other sprinkler heads in the process.

4-Myth: Each Plant in your Garden Requires 1 Inch Water per Week


This particular myth has actually evolved through Word-of-Mouth communication. As per the saying, every plant in your garden requires an inch of water every week. Although this works as a rough outline, most garden owners tend to opt for this strategy a bit too much.

In most cases, they set the current irrigation system in a manner that it will water the garden every week with one inch of water. Plants generally differ in terms of look, make, and water needs. While one plant would need 2 inches of water per day, others might not need that kind of water at all.

The watering needs for the plant vary in accordance with factors such as:

  • Type
  • Size
  • Activity
  • Climate

This is why there is zoning in place to help you decide which plant gets more water and which doesn’t. Doing this will potentially save you a lot of time from wondering which plant needs to be watered and which doesn’t. With the right amount of water added to your garden, you can watch your garden flourish and go greener with time, even when its summer and the heat is harsh. If you are in doubt about your garden’s zoning needs, you can always get in touch with the experts for irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

5-Myth: Do Not Water From Above When Sunlight is Present as it Might Burn the Plants


While doing this isn’t recommended in any manner, the reason has nothing to do with the plant being burnt. This particular belief prevails commonly given that human skin tends to burn easily when it is by the waterside. This is usually caused due to the reflection of sunlight from water.

The prime reason for this happening is the fact that watering during the day time can lead to faster evaporation. This means the plants won’t get a proper amount of water, and the watering would be pointless. Instead, the best time to water your plants is during the early morning hours or as the sun is setting. In order to ensure this is when your garden gets watered, you can set the timer accordingly.

If you do not know the right way to set the timer for watering, you can get in touch with the experts for irrigation installation, Austin, TX.

6-Myth: Wilting of Plants Indicate Less Watering:


If you happen to see that the plants in your garden are wilting away, it might lead to a serious miscalculation that your plant isn’t receiving as much water as needed. Now, you might go ahead and run your irrigation system to water the plants more. However, this might not be the actual reason for the wilting of your plants.

Here is the issue; plants do not wilt just because of dehydration. There are several other reasons for this wilting to happen, which includes:

  • Root rotting
  • Broken root system
  • Plant diseases
  • Soil quality issues

So, make sure you check for all these issues and then assure that there is no such case with your garden. If in doubt that your watering system isn’t dispatching in a proper manner, you should consult an expert technician for irrigation installation, Austin, TX, to check for any probable issues.

7-Myth: When it Rains, You can turn Off the Irrigation System


Your garden needs watering in a consistent watering. Rain tends to be an inconsistent thing. If you would turn down the irrigation system whenever it rains, you might risk your garden with under-watering. In case there is heavy rain, you can surely turn off the irrigation system. However, for a light drizzle or normal rain, there is no need to turn off the system.

In case you are wondering whether your irrigation system can turn itself off during heavy rains, the answer is yes. In most cases, if your irrigation system is fitted with a proper timer for rainwater detection, it will sense the waterfall level, and if it is accurate for your garden, the sensor will stop the irrigation for the time being.

8-Myth: Your plants can be trained to adapt:


You might have heard people saying that certain plants can be trained to adapt to the climate or environment in your area. Unfortunately, this might not be accurate. Ask any irrigation installation, Austin, TX, service provider, and they will tell you that proper watering is one critical need for your garden to flourish in the best way possible.

For example, if you tend to place your sun-living herb in a place that is very shaded, the plant might not thrive for long. So, it is critical that you place the plants in the right spot to ensure the plants thrive.

9-Myth: Irrigation System Uses up More Water:


This myth is entirely a facade. Most of the modern-day irrigation systems are designed to save on the overall water consumption. Irrigation systems help prevent overwatering & dispatches water to the plant just when the time is right.

So, if you are looking forward to purchasing or installing the latest irrigation system for your garden, make sure you hire a professional to get the job done.


With the right irrigation system in place, you can ensure that your garden is green and thriving throughout the seasons. A perfectly installed irrigation system will help save a lot of water and drop down your energy bills in a significant manner. With an automated irrigation system that comes with the right kind of sensors, you can ensure that your garden will be well watered even as you are out on your job or go for a vacation.

Are you in need of a reliable irrigation system for your garden? With Hunter Irrigation Services, you get access to a dedicated team that understands your critical needs for the garden/lawn. To know more about the services, give us a quick call at 512-690-3113 or write to us at

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