Construction Irrigation Syatem

Are you Making These Lawn Irrigation Mistakes?

Having a lawn sprinkler in Austin TX home is a common site and why not. It is an efficient watering system that ensures that the lawn gets enough water. But despite having an amazing irrigation system, make homeowners spend more money than they should. This happens due to poor managed system.

Your lawn irrigation system is as good as your management skills. A few common mistakes can lead to inefficient watering and increase in the overall cost. Want to know what you are doing wrong?

Here are the common lawn irrigation mistakes you are probably making that is costing you more money:

1. Overwatering

Even with an automated irrigation installation in Austin TX, you can still overwater your lawn. This happens when you don’t manage the watering system efficiently. You need to adjust the timer and the amount of watering as per the weather condition. On a cloudy day, the plants don’t need as much water as on a hot and dry day. If you water them the same amount of water every day, the plants are likely to get overwatered.

Overwatering can cause pooling of water and chocking the plants and grass too. Too much is equally bad. Make sure that you utilize the automatic system and adjust the watering as per the weather conditions.

Efficient management can save you money on water bills as well as damage to the lawn and plants.

2. Watering on a Rainy Day

It is probably one of the most inconsiderate things to do. Who waters plants on a rainy day? The ones who have left their sprinkler system on. This too comes under mismanagement of the sprinkler system. If it is raining, why waste water? This will only add to the cost of water and electricity. It is free rain and your plants and trees will get enough water.

During the rainy days, it is important that you keep your sprinkler system turned off. This will only cause overwatering and nothing else. Plus, you will be simply wasting water and increasing the cost.

Make it a part of your irrigation system management to turn off the sprinkler system when its raining. You also need to water less frequently. Water thoroughly a couple of times a week rather than water in smaller amount every day. It is an efficient way to water the plants.

Read more: Lawn sprinklers or Drip irrigation: What should you choose?

3. Smart Controllers

If you are busy person or not, installing a smart controller will help you save both water and time. If you are serious about saving earth and conserving its natural resources, investing in a smart system is a good idea.

Smart controllers come with features like sensors that ensures that the irrigation system is run as per the rainfall and soil evaporation. This is a smart management system that will ensure that your lawn is well-irrigated and will save a lot of water too. Plus, you will be saving cost on energy bills and water bills too.

Given the amazing perks, investing in smart controllers can help you save cost and make your lawn work efficiently all the time.

4. Undetected Leakage in the System

Are you unaware of the any leakage in the sprinkler system? This can have damaging consequences. Some parts of the lawn may get less water due to leakage. Not just that, some parts may remain dry due to no water supply.

Leaks are easily detectable. Look for pooling of water and dry patches. This is a clear indication that some sprinkler heads are not working or there is a leak in the water supply. It is important to look for issues before they get out of hand. It is a part of sprinkler system management to do regular checks. This will help prevent any major system breakdown.

Detecting the leaks and getting it fixed will save you money on expensive repair or replacement. Regular checks will help you keep your irrigation system in top-notch condition.

1. Inaccurate Settings

Proper setting is an important part of sprinkler system. It can be automated to ensure efficient watering. But if your setting is off the mark then it will lead to problems. It means your lawn will not get enough water or too much water. Therefore, it is important to set the sprinkler system the right way.

Inaccurate settings can make your sprinkler system inefficient and costly. You will be paying more water bills. Your grasses will dry out and you will have to start again. Consistency is important for an efficient management of the lawn.

2. Improper Irrigation Installation

If your irrigation system hasn’t been installed in a proper way, it can lead to inefficient watering and increased cost. Which is why you need to get proper irrigation installation in Austin TX.

It is important that you get customized installation of lawn sprinkler in Austin TX to meet your specific watering needs. The right installation will ensure you have an efficient watering system and avoid any system breakdown.

The Bottom-line

So, these were some of the things that can make you pay more. Pay attention to the issues and ensure timely repair, and maintenance. Most important of all, you need to create a good irrigation management system so that you can keep your lawn looking great all the time.

Hunter Irrigation Services offers the best irrigation installation in Austin TX. We can customize the installation of the lawn sprinkler in Austin TX to meet your specific needs. We have many years of experience and we specialize in Hunter Sprinkler System.

Call us at – 512-690-3113 or email us at